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                            2025Swedish Council on Technology Assessement
                            Review Analysis
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                            , adj3 retrieves records with search terms within two terms from each other; * or $ = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase Search terms Items found Population: 1. exp Intellectual Disability/ 108 502 2. (((intellectual* or development* or learning) adj3 (disab* or disorder*)) or ((mental or intellectual* or cognitive) adj3 (handicap or impair*))).ab,bt,kf,ti. 203 444 3. exp Motivational interviewing for individuals with autism or intellectual disabilities Motivational interviewing for individuals with autism or intellectual disabilities Hoppa till textinnehållet Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services * Other languages * Contact * På svenska * Listen * Publications * Method * Evidence gaps * About SBU Menu Search
                            2023National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - Clinical Guidelines
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                            Disabled children and young people up to 25 with severe complex needs: integrated service delivery and organisation across health, social care and education PROSPEROInternational prospective register of systematic reviews Print | PDFEffectiveness and safety of moxibustion for chronic fatigue syndrome of COVID-19: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysisShiqiang ZHANG, Yifan CHANG
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                            2024NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
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                            Digital adaptation of the Standing up for Myself intervention in young people and adults with intellectual disabilities: the STORM feasibility study Digital adaptation of the Standing up for Myself intervention in young people and adults with intellectual disabilities: the STORM feasibility study * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About Group, Elfrida Society, London, UK7 Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, London South Bank University, London, UK8 St Piers College, Young Epilepsy, Lingfield, UK9 East London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK10 Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK11 CEDAR, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK12 People First Dorset, Dorchester, UK13 Bexley Mencap, Kent, UK14
                            2024NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
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                            Clinical and cost-effectiveness of an adapted intervention for preschoolers with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities displaying behaviours that challenge: the EPICC-ID RCT Clinical and cost-effectiveness of an adapted intervention for preschoolers with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities displaying behaviours that challenge: the EPICC-ID RCT * Text only * * Home * Journals
                            2024NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
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                            'Why are we stuck in hospital?' Barriers to people with learning disabilities/autistic people leaving 'long-stay' hospital: a mixed methods study 'Why are we stuck in hospital?' Barriers to people with learning disabilities/autistic people leaving 'long-stay' hospital: a mixed methods study * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About
                            2024NIHR HTA programme
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                            Improving support and planning ahead for older people with learning disabilities and family carers: a mixed-methods study Improving support and planning ahead for older people with learning disabilities and family carers: a mixed-methods study * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About * Policies * * Accessibility * Journals LibraryNHS NIHR
                            2024Swedish Council on Technology Assessement
                            Review Analysis
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                            Marks; searches for an exact phrase Population: 1. TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "Intellectual* disab*" OR "intellectual development Disorder*" OR "intellectual and developmental dis*" OR "mentally disabled person*" OR "developmental* disab*" OR "mental* retard*" OR "mental* handicap*" OR "learning disab*" OR autis* OR asd ) 293 051 Intervention: 2. TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "Npi-id" OR "Neuropsychiatric inventory development Disorder*" OR "intellectual and developmental dis*" OR “mentally disabled person*” OR "developmental* disab*" OR "mental* retard*" OR "mental* handicap*" OR "learning disab*" OR autis* or asd) ) OR AB ( ("Intellectual* disab*" OR "intellectual development Disorder*" OR "intellectual and developmental dis*" OR “mentally disabled person*” OR "developmental* disab*" OR "mental* retard*" OR "mental
                            2024NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
                            Appears Promising
                            Specific phobias in children with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities: SPIRIT, an adaptation and feasibility study Specific phobias in children with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities: SPIRIT, an adaptation and feasibility study * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About * Policies * * Accessibility * Journals LibraryNHS NIHR Centre for Research in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (CIDD), University of Warwick, Coventry, UK2 School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK3 Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, Colechurch House, London, UK4 South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK5 Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University, Neuadd Meirionnydd, Cardiff, UK6
                            2024NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
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                            Emotional literacy programme in special schools for children with a learning disability in England: the ZF-SEND feasibility RCT Emotional literacy programme in special schools for children with a learning disability in England: the ZF-SEND feasibility RCT | NIHR Journals Library opens in a new window Skip to main content Journals Library Search Journals Library Menu Search Journals Library * Production process * Outputs and external publications * Editorial policies * Latest updates * For Reviewers For Reviewers * For reviewers * Become a reviewer * About Journals Library About Journals Library * About us * Support for researchers * Policies * FAQs * Contact us Close menu Public Health Research Emotional literacy programme in special schools for children with a learning disability in England
                            2024NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
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                            Behavioural interventions to treat anxiety in adults with autism and moderate to severe intellectual disabilities: the BEAMS-ID feasibility study Behavioural interventions to treat anxiety in adults with autism and moderate to severe intellectual disabilities: the BEAMS-ID feasibility study * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About * Policies in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (CIDD), University of Warwick, Coventry, UK2 Brooklands Hospital, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK3 Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, Worcester, UK4 School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK5 Centre for Trials Research, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University
                            2025Campbell Collaboration
                            Review Analysis
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                            Interventions to improve outdoor mobility among people living with disabilities: A systematic review Skip to contentHomeOur workGet involvedUpdatesAboutSearchInterventions to improve outdoor mobility among people living with disabilities: A systematic reviewJun 14, 2024 — by Admin Limited evidence of benefits and harms for interventions to improve outdoor mobility for people living with disabilities The review in brief The evidence is very uncertain about most benefits and harms of intervention options aimed to improve outdoor mobility for adults with disabilities, both in the short and long term, and it is currently unclear if any intervention options to improve outdoor mobility are effective and safe. What is this review about? Around 15% of the global population live with disabilities
                            2022NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
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                            Early positive approaches to support for families of young children with intellectual disability: the E-PAtS feasibility RCT Early positive approaches to support for families of young children with intellectual disability: the E-PAtS feasibility RCT * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About * * Accessibility * Journals LibraryNHS NIHR
                            2022NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
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                            Equal access to hospital care for children with learning disabilities and their families: a mixed-methods study Equal access to hospital care for children with learning disabilities and their families: a mixed-methods study * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About * Policies * * Accessibility * Journals LibraryNHS NIHR - National for children with learning disabilities. {{author}}{{author}}{{($index < metadata.AuthorsAndEtalArray.length-1) ? ',' : '.'}} Kate Oulton, Jo Wray, Charlotte Kenten, Jessica Russell, Lucinda Carr, Angela Hassiotis, Carey Jewitt, Paula Kelly, Sam Kerry, Irene Tuffrey-Wijne, Mark Whiting & Faith Gibson. * Detailed Author information * * Detailed Author informationKate Oulton 1,*, Jo Wray 1, Charlotte Kenten
                            2022NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
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                            Intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities displaying challenging behaviour: the IST-ID mixed-methods study Text onlyJournals LibraryNHS NIHR - National Institute for Health and Care ResearchSelectEMEGHRHSDRHTAPGfARPHR AdvancedJournalsEfficacy and Mechanism EvaluationGlobal Health ResearchHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchHealth Technology AssessmentProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchPublic Health ResearchTwitterFacebookLinkedInEmailHome >> Journals >> Health and Social Care Delivery Research >> Volume 10 >> Issue 33ToolkitDownload report PDFDownload report documentsDownload report XMLCitation ToolsPrintResponses to this report (0)Permissions informationVIEW PROJECTIntensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities displaying challenging behaviour
                            2024EPPI Centre
                            Review Analysis
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                            Understanding the impact of economic inactivity interventions for people with poor health and disability and the nature of interventions for older workers Impact of economic inactivity interventions Contact * Home * About * People * Funders * Partnerships * Contact * Projects * Developing economies * International Development * International development current work * International Development claims in web based research portals ProjectsInternational Public Policy ObservatoryImpact of economic inactivity interventions Download reports (PDF) Understanding the impact of economic inactivity interventions for people with poor health and disability and the nature of interventions for older workers: a rapid evidence review This report is a product of the IPPO project –please see the project page
                            2025World Health Organisation Guidelines
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                            restriction (formerly handicap) Participation restriction is a disadvantage for a person with an impairment or disability, created or influenced by contextual factors. Physical modalities Physical modalities are agents or tools that produce a specific response to a body structure or function (e.g. heat, electrical stimulation, taping). Primary impairment Primary impairment is the loss or abnormality Disability care using assistive technology devices for persons affected by leprosy/ Hansen disease ' Technical guidance 1 Disability care using assistive technology devices for persons affected by leprosy/ Hansen disease Technical guidance Disability care using assistive technology devices for persons affected by leprosy/ Hansen disease Technical guidance Disability care using assistive
                            2025NIHR Evidence
                            Adult social care: how to improve support for people at risk through homelessness, learning disabilities or dementia Adult social care: how to improve support for people at risk through homelessness, learning disabilities or dementiaAdult social care: how to improve support for people at risk through homelessness, learning disabilities or dementiaSkip to content * Accessibility options for people experi...End of life planning for peopl...Dementia Champions in the home...Menu * About us * Browse content * Become a reviewer * Newsletter sign up * Contact us * Homepage * > * Collection * > * Adult social care: how to improve support for people at risk through homelessness, learning disabilities or dementia Adult social care: how to improve support for people at risk through homelessness
                            2023INESSS (Quebec)
                            Review Analysis
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                            Barriers and facilitators encountered by women living with a physical disability (PD), intellectual disability (ID) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when using perinatal services Barriers and facilitators encountered by women living with a physical disability (PD), intellectual disability (ID) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when using perinatal services English summary Une production de l’Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) FEBRUARY 2023 1 SUMMARY Barriers and facilitators encountered by women living with a physical disability (PD), int ellectual disability (ID) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when using perinatal services Introduction Since 2006, the United Nations (UN) has recognized the right to parenthood
                            2023Norwegian Institute of Public Health
                            Research on the significance of universal design in the physical environment for persons with mental or cognitive disability: a systematic literature search with categorization NIPH's website uses cookies. Read more about our use of cookies in our privacy policy.CloseHopp til innholdSearch for:SøkMenuInfectious diseases & VaccinesMental & Physical healthEnvironment & LifestyleHealth in NorwayQuality & KnowledgeResearch & Access to dataAbout NIPHCloseMAPPING REVIEWResearch on the significance of universal design in the physical environment for persons with mental or cognitive disability: a systematic literature search with categorizationPublished 24.03.2023We were commissioned by Bufdir to carry out a systematic literature search with categorization on the importance of universal design
                            2023Campbell Collaboration
                            Review Analysis
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                            Effectiveness of interventions for improving social inclusion outcomes for people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries Newsletter sign-up Archie login Journal Blog MenuHomeBetter evidence for a better world Go back to search results or Start a new searchEffectiveness of interventions for improving social inclusion outcomes for people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries Authors: Ashrita Saran, Xanthe Hunt, Howard White, Hannah KuperPublished date: 2023-03-21Coordinating group(s): DisabilityPLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARYSocial inclusion interventions in low- and middle-income settings have a meaningful positive effect on people with disabilitiesThere is promising evidence that interventions can improve the social skills and relationships of people with disabilities