"Freckle" from_date:2012

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                            Iris freckle: a distinct entity. To report distinctive clinical and imaging features of iris freckles to differentiate them from iris nevi. Retrospective observational study. 53 patients (277 freckles) with incidental iris freckles and 102 patients (104 nevi) with iris nevi that are either clinically stable or pathologically confirmed. Patient data were collected from the Department features of iris freckles and iris nevi. A total of 277 iris freckles and 104 iris nevi were analysed. Iris freckles were more frequently bilateral (17%; nevi 0%) and multiple (69%; nevi 2%) and located centrally (89%; nevi 17%) compared with iris nevi (p<0.001). The median freckle largest basal diameter and thickness were 0.8 mm (nevi; 2.1 mm, p<0.001) and 0.04 mm (nevi 1.0 mm, p<0.001), respectively
                            2023Lasers in surgery and medicine
                            Comparison of the efficacy and safety of a 730 nm picosecond titanium sapphire laser and a 755 nm picosecond alexandrite laser for the treatment of freckles in Asian patients: A two-center randomized, split-face, controlled trial. The 730 nm picosecond titanium sapphire laser is a novel laser that shows promising results in treating freckles. This study aimed to further investigate the efficacy and safety of the 730 nm picosecond titanium sapphire laser for treating freckles in Asian patients compared with those of the 755 nm picosecond alexandrite laser. Each face of 86 participants was split into two parts and randomly assigned either one session of 730 or 755 nm picosecond-laser treatment each. Efficacy and safety were determined based on blinded visual evaluations and self-reports at each
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                            Split-face comparison of the efficacy of picosecond 532 nm Nd:YAG laser and Q-switched 755 nm Alexandrite laser for treatment of freckles. To date, there has been little study of comparison between picosecond 532 nm laser and 755 nm Q-switched Alexandrite lasers in the treatment of freckles. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of picosecond 532 nm laser (PS 532) and 755 nm Q-switched Alexandrite laser (QSAL) for treatment of freckles in a split-face manner. Eighteen patients with freckles were enrolled in the study. The right and left sides of their faces were randomly assigned to either a QSAL-treated group or PS 532-treated group. The degree of pain, satisfaction with the results, and adverse events associated with the laser treatment were evaluated using a questionnaire. All
                            Comparison of the efficacy and safety of a picosecond alexandrite laser and a Q-switched alexandrite laser for the treatment of freckles in Chinese patients.
                            The iris signal: blue periphery, tan collaret and freckles pattern - strong indicators for epidermal skin cancer in South-Eastern Europe. Eye and skin share the embryological origin. Both are established risk factors in epidermal skin cancer. There are few reports using iris colour classification scales, most of them analyse colour in general or are too complex to use in daily practice patient. Three parameters of the iris were analysed individually and in association patterns for each patient: periphery, collaret and freckles. The most frequent iris colour pattern associated with epidermal skin cancer was blue periphery with light brown collaret and freckles present. In terms of individual parameters, the strongest indicators for skin cancer patients were blue periphery and blue
                            2018JAAD Case Reports
                            Piebaldism with multiple café-au-lait–like hyperpigmented macules and inguinal freckling caused by a novel KIT mutation
                            Iris Freckles a Potential Biomarker for Chronic Sun Damage. To investigate the role of sunlight exposure in iris freckles formation. We prospectively examined volunteers attending a skin cancer screening program conducted by ophthalmologists and dermatologists. Frequency and topographical variability of iris freckles were noted and associated with behavioral and dermatologic characteristics indicating high sun exposure. Six hundred thirty-two participants (n = 360; 57% female) were examined. Mean age of all participants was 38.4 ± 18.4 years (range, 4-84 years). Of all individuals, 76.1% (n = 481) exhibited at least one iris freckle. Most freckles were observed in the inferior temporal quadrant. The presence of iris freckles was associated with higher age (participants with iris freckles
                            Treatment of Freckles Using a Fractional Nonablative 2940nm Erb:YAG Laser in a Series of Asian Patients The purpose of this study was to demonstrate a novel, effective, and safe way to utilize the Erb:YAG laser to clear freckles in Type III/IV Asian skin. This was a prospective study. The setting was a Singapore-based clinic. Participants included five women, aged 25 to 38 years, three with Skin Type III and two with Skin Type IV. All of them had freckles. Photographs were taken pretreatment and one month after laser treatment. Three independent physicians evaluated the photographs using a grading system. Patients were followed clinically for a total of six months post-laser treatment to monitor for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and recurrence. At one month post-laser treatment
                            Evaluating the Causes of Freckle and Nevus from the Viewpoint of Iranian Traditional Medicine Freckles are due to an increase in the amount of dark pigments called melanin. These spots are more likely developed on the sun-exposed skin areas like the cheeks, nose, and forehead. Nevus is usually a benign melanocytic tumor and can be congenital or acquired. Due to the high influence of skin lesions measures were deduced. According to humoral theory in ITM, abnormal black bile congestion in skin layers and its increased concentration causes dark color spots on the face, known as "Namash and Barash" being equivalent to freckle. Nevus formation is caused by congestion of gradually hardened and dense black bile humor in the skin after leaking through the vessels. The main cause of these problems
                            Anti-Freckles Herbal Treatment in Iranian Traditional Medicine Freckles are numerous pigmented spots of the skin, mainly confined to the face, even arms and back. Although freckles are light-brown macules, most frequently observed in individuals with red or blond hair, they are common to Asian people too. Freckles increase in number, size, and depth of pigmentation during the summer months . Histologically, freckles show increased production of melanin pigment by a normal number of melanocytes. Freckles commonly stop spreading before adolescence and last for life, but could sometimes be subtle in adulthood. Treatments are often requested for cosmetic purposes. Before the advent of lasers, treatment modalities for pigmentary disorders included surgical excision, dermabrasion, chemical bleaching
                            Freckle Defect Formation near the Casting Interfaces of Directionally Solidified Superalloys Freckle defects usually appear on the surface of castings and industrial ingots during the directional solidification process and most of them are located near the interface between the shell mold and superalloys. Ceramic cores create more interfaces in the directionally solidified (DS) and single crystal (SX) hollow turbine blades. In order to investigate the location of freckle occurrence in superalloys, superalloy CM247 LC was directionally solidified in an industrial-sized Bridgman furnace. Instead of ceramic cores, Alumina tubes were used inside of the casting specimens. It was found that freckles occur not only on the casting external surfaces, but also appear near the internal interfaces
                            A novel missense KIT mutation causing piebaldism in one Chinese family associated with café-au-lait macules and intertriginous freckling Piebaldism is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis, manifesting as congenital and stable depigmentation of the skin and white forelock. It has been found to be associated with mutations in the KIT or SLUG genes. We report a Chinese piebaldism family , and it further supports that café-au-lait macules and intertriginous freckling of piebaldism are parts of pigmented anomaly in piebaldism, which does not necessarily represent coexistence of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).
                            2018FP Notebook
                            Freckles Freckles * Versions * Standard Desktop * Legacy Desktop * Mobile Web * Iphone/Ipad App * * Help Toggle navigation * * Home * Books: A to N * Cardiovascular Medicine * Dentistry * Dermatology * Emergency Medicine * Endocrinology * Gastroenterology * Geriatric Medicine * Gynecology to Palliative Care * * Administration * Patient Satisfaction * Documentation 4 * * advertisement * Home * Dermatology Book * Environmental Injury Chapter * Freckles Freckles Aka: Freckles, Freckle, Ephelides Dermatology Environmental Injury Chapter * Cold Exposure * Skin Reaction to Cold * Chilblains * Heat Exposure * Skin
                            Interactions between Ultraviolet Light and MC1R and OCA2 Variants Are Determinants of Childhood Nevus and Freckle Phenotypes. Melanocytic nevi (moles) and freckles are well known biomarkers of melanoma risk, and they are influenced by similar UV light exposures and genetic susceptibilities to those that increase melanoma risk. Nevertheless, the selective interactions between UV exposures and nevus and freckling genes remain largely undescribed. We conducted a longitudinal study from ages 6 through 10 years in 477 Colorado children who had annual information collected for sun exposure, sun protection behaviors, and full body skin exams. MC1R and HERC2/OCA2 rs12913832 were genotyped and linear mixed models were used to identify main and interaction effects. All measures of sun exposure
                            Ephelides (Freckles) (Diagnosis) Dermatology Articles (Diagnosis, Dermatologic Surgery, Histology, Prognosis, Follow-up) - Medscape Reference News & PerspectiveDrugs & DiseasesCME & EducationAcademyVideoDecision PointSpecialty:Edition:EnglishMedscapeEnglishDeutschEspañolFrançaisPortuguêsUKNewUnivadisLog In Sign Up It's Free!English EditionMedscape * English * Deutsch * Español * Français
                            Ephelides (Freckles) (Follow-up) Dermatology Articles (Diagnosis, Dermatologic Surgery, Histology, Prognosis, Follow-up) - Medscape Reference News & PerspectiveDrugs & DiseasesCME & EducationAcademyVideoDecision PointSpecialty:Edition:EnglishMedscapeEnglishDeutschEspañolFrançaisPortuguêsUKNewUnivadisLog In Sign Up It's Free!English EditionMedscape * English * Deutsch * Español * Français
                            Ephelides (Freckles) (Overview) Dermatology Articles (Diagnosis, Dermatologic Surgery, Histology, Prognosis, Follow-up) - Medscape Reference News & PerspectiveDrugs & DiseasesCME & EducationAcademyVideoDecision PointSpecialty:Edition:EnglishMedscapeEnglishDeutschEspañolFrançaisPortuguêsUKNewUnivadisLog In Sign Up It's Free!English EditionMedscape * English * Deutsch * Español * Français
                            Ephelides (Freckles) (Treatment) Dermatology Articles (Diagnosis, Dermatologic Surgery, Histology, Prognosis, Follow-up) - Medscape Reference News & PerspectiveDrugs & DiseasesCME & EducationAcademyVideoDecision PointSpecialty:Edition:EnglishMedscapeEnglishDeutschEspañolFrançaisPortuguêsUKNewUnivadisLog In Sign Up It's Free!English EditionMedscape * English * Deutsch * Español * Français
                            2015FP Notebook
                            Freckles Freckles * Versions * Standard Desktop * Legacy Desktop * Mobile Web * Iphone/Ipad App * * Help Toggle navigation * * Home * Books: A to N * Cardiovascular Medicine * Dentistry * Dermatology * Emergency Medicine * Endocrinology * Gastroenterology * Geriatric Medicine * Gynecology to Palliative Care * * Administration * Patient Satisfaction * Documentation 4 * * advertisement * Home * Dermatology Book * Environmental Injury Chapter * Freckles Freckles Aka: Freckles, Freckle, Ephelides Dermatology Environmental Injury Chapter * Cold Exposure * Skin Reaction to Cold * Chilblains * Heat Exposure * Skin