Hard-flaccidsyndrome: a systematic review on aetiopathophysiology, diagnosis and management PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews Print | PDF PROSPERO This information has been provided by the named contact for this review. CRD has accepted this information in good faith and registered the review in PROSPERO. The registrant confirms that the information supplied
. Such conditions include post-finasteride syndrome, restless genital syndrome, post-orgasmic illness syndrome, post-selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) sexual dysfunction, hard-flaccidsyndrome, sleep-related painful erections and post-retinoid sexual dysfunction. Information about these disorders usually originates from case-control trials or small case series; thus, the published literature is scarce
by the Bogoba tribe in Philippines.[58]See also[edit] * Hardflaccidsyndrome, a dysfunction of the pelvic floor that causes constant "turtling" * Shenkui, a similar Chinese culture-bound syndrome * Castration anxiety * Culture-bound syndrome * Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders * Traditional Chinese Medicine * Mental health in ChinaReferences[edit] 1. ^ a b American Psychiatric