A model of occupational stress to assess impact of COVID-19 on critical care and redeployed nurses: a mixed-methods study A model of occupational stress to assess impact of COVID-19 on critical care and redeployed nurses: a mixed-methods study | NIHR Journals Library opens in a new window Skip to main content Journals Library Search Journals Library Menu Search Journals Library * Journals * Outputs and external publications * Editorial policies * Latest updates * For Reviewers For Reviewers * For reviewers * Become a reviewer * About Journals Library About Journals Library * About us * Support for researchers * Policies * FAQs * Contact us Close menu Health and Social Care Delivery Research A model of occupational stress to assess impact of COVID-19 on critical care and redeployed nurses
Managing nurse redeployment during the Covid-19 pandemic, lessons for future redeployment: a qualitative study Managing nurse redeployment during the Covid-19 pandemic, lessons for future redeployment: a qualitative study | NIHR Journals Library opens in a new window Skip to main content Journals Library Search Journals Library Menu Journals Library Search Journals Library * Journals Journals * Outputs and external publications * Editorial policies * Latest updates * For Reviewers For Reviewers * For reviewers * Become a reviewer * About Journals Library About Journals Library * About us * Support for researchers * Policies * FAQs * Contact us Close menu Health and Social Care Delivery Research Managing nurse redeployment during the Covid-19 pandemic, lessons for future redeployment
Causes and solutions to workplace psychological ill-health for nurses, midwives and paramedics: the Care Under Pressure 2 realist review Causes and solutions to workplace psychological ill-health for nurses, midwives and paramedics: the Care Under Pressure 2 realist review * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About * Policies * * Accessibility
Evaluating the real-world implementation of the Family Nurse Partnership in England: a data linkage study Evaluating the real-world implementation of the Family Nurse Partnership in England: a data linkage study * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About * Policies * * Accessibility * Journals LibraryNHS NIHR - National Institute for Health
Nurse-delivered sleep restriction therapy to improve insomnia disorder in primary care: the HABIT RCT Nurse-delivered sleep restriction therapy to improve insomnia disorder in primary care: the HABIT RCT * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About * Policies * * Accessibility * Journals LibraryNHS NIHR - National Institute for Health Research
Effects of computerised clinical decision support systems (CDSS) on nursing and Allied Health Professional performance and patient outcomes: A systematic review and user contextualisation Effects of computerised clinical decision support systems (CDSS) on nursing and Allied Health Professional performance and patient outcomes: A systematic review and user contextualisation * Text only * * Home effects of computerised decision support systems on nursing and allied health professional performance and patient outcomes: a systematic review and user contextualisationCarl Thompson, Teumzghi Mebrahtu, Sarah Skyrme, Karen Bloor, Deidre Andre & Anne Maree Keenan et al. View Synopsis(Published Oct-2024) Effects of computerised clinical decision support systems (CDSS) on nursing and allied health
Impact of nurse-to-patient ratios for mental health and substance use, primary care, and public health nursing 1 Context • Many factors can affect the impacts of nurse staffing levels in healthcare settings, such as patient and population characteristics, demand for healthcare services, professional development opportunities for staff, and costs associated with care provision.(1) • Evidence has shown an association between improved nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes in hospitals,(2) but little is known about the impacts of staffing level improvements using nurse-to-patient ratios in non-hospital settings. • This rapid evidence profile investigates the impact of nurse-to-patient ratios in mental health and substance use, primary care, and public health nursing settings on patient care
The effects of computerised decision support systems on nursing and allied health professional performance and patient outcomes: a systematic review and user contextualisation Text onlyJournals LibraryNHS NIHR - National Institute for Health and Care ResearchSelectEMEGHRHSDRHTAPGfARPHR AdvancedJournalsEfficacy and Mechanism EvaluationGlobal Health ResearchHealth and Social Care Delivery
Dog-assisted interventions in the care of the elderly in nursing homes ConsentDetailsAboutThis website uses cookiesWe use cookies to facilitate your visit, provide social media features and analyze our traffic to continuously improve the website. Read more about cookiesUse necessary cookies onlyCustomizeAllow all cookiesPowered by Cookiebot by UsercentricsHoppa till textinnehålletMenuSearchShare : Find on page Dog-assisted interventions in the care of the elderly in nursing homesIn nursing homes in Sweden, therapy dogs are sometimes used in the care of elderly people. Therapy dogs are trained dogs that often work alongside their handlers to give people in need of extra support a better quality of life. Share: Reading time approx. 17 minutes Published: October 25, 2023 Publication type
Nursing Wellness in Academic and Clinical Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association www.ahajournals.org Verify you are human by completing the action below. www.ahajournals.org needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.Ray ID: 905164ce9cb063f3Performance & security by Cloudflare
Education and Career Progression Framework for Fertility Nursing CLINICAL PROFESSIONAL RESOURCEEducation and Career Progression Framework for Fertility NursingThird edition 2BACK TO CONTENTSAN RCN EDUCATION AND CAREER PROGRESSION FRAMEWORK FOR FERTILITY NURSINGAcknowledgementsThis framework was originally published in 2018, and following an impact assessment (available at: rcn.org.uk /publications) was updated in 2021.This latest guidance has been reviewed and updated by members of the RCN Fertility Nursing Forum Committee.This publication is endorsed by:This document has been designed in collaboration with our members to ensure it meets most accessibility standards. However, if this does not fit your requirements, please contact corporate.communications@rcn.org.ukRCN Legal DisclaimerThis
Nurses Performing Ultrasound Scanning in Fertility Care Nurses Performing Ultrasound Scanning in Fertility CareCLINICAL PROFESSIONAL RESOURCE 2BACK TO CONTENTSNURSES PERFORMING ULTRASOUND SCANNING IN FERTILITY CAREAcknowledgementsThe Royal College of Nursing (RCN) would like to thank the project team for the development of this publication:Francesca Steyn, (project chair) Chair RCN Fertility Nursing ForumAnne Howard, RCN Fertility Nursing Forum committee memberBuki Fatuga, RCN Fertility Nursing Forum committee memberNiki Konsta, RCN Fertility Nursing Forum committee memberTasha Witchell, RCN Fertility Nursing Forum CommitteeCharlotte Galloway, RCN Fertility Nursing Forum CommitteeEmma Ayling, RCN Women’s Health Forum committee memberTori Heppell RCN Women’s Health Forum committee
RCR Publications Guidelines For Nursing Care In Interventional Radiology Third Edition April 2023Guidelines for nursing care in interventional radiologyThird editionContents1 Background 32 Recommendations 43 Introduction 54 What is interventional radiology? 55 Models of nurse staffing in the interventional radiology department 56 Teaching 97 Role development 10References 10Appendix 1 Roles of the interventional nurse and nursing support worker 12Endorsed by: Royal College of Nursing3Guidelines for nursing care in interventional radiologyThird editionwww.rcr.ac.ukThe provision of appropriate nursing support in a department of clinical radiology is a vital component in the provision
Nurse identity: the misrepresentation of nursing in the media Skip to main content Subscribe Log In Basket Search Latest content Current issue Archive Write for Us About EBN BlogYou are hereHome Archive Volume 27, Issue 1Email alertsArticleTextArticleinfoCitationToolsShareRapid ResponsesArticlemetricsAlerts PDF EditorialNurse identity: the misrepresentation of nursing in the media FREERebecca will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. Request permissions Since 2019, the nursing profession has been frequently represented in mainstream media in the UK through the lenses of the COVID-19 pandemic and more recently, industrial action. In 2020, during COVID, we saw
Adult nursing: Innovative and evidence-informed technology-based assessment can facilitate comprehensive cancer rehabilitation by improving cancer care outcomes through personalised nurse-led follow-up interventions Skip to main content Subscribe Log In Basket Search Latest content Current issue Archive Write for Us About EBN BlogYou are hereHome Archive Volume 27, Issue 1Email alertsArticleTextArticleinfoCitationToolsShareRapid ResponsesArticlemetricsAlertsPDFCommentaryAdult nursingInnovative and evidence-informed technology-based assessment can facilitate comprehensive cancer rehabilitation by improving cancer care outcomes through personalised nurse-led follow-up interventions Ebrahimi GhassemiCorrespondence to Dr Akhtar Ebrahimi Ghassemi, Independent Researcher, Rochester, New York, USA; aghassemi11@gmail.com from
The Family Nurse Partnership to reduce maltreatment and improve child health and development in young children: the BB:2 6 routine data-linkage follow-up to earlier RCT The Family Nurse Partnership to reduce maltreatment and improve child health and development in young children: the BB:2 6 routine data-linkage follow-up to earlier RCT * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research
A complex intervention to reduce avoidable hospital admissions in nursing homes: a research programme including the BHiRCH-NH pilot cluster RCT A complex intervention to reduce avoidable hospital admissions in nursing homes: a research programme including the BHiRCH-NH pilot cluster RCT * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers * About among nursing homes, but engagement with the intervention and support for implementation was insufficient to warrant a full trial. {{author}}{{author}}{{($index < metadata.AuthorsAndEtalArray.length-1) ? ',' : '.'}} Murna Downs, Alan Blighe, Robin Carpenter, Alexandra Feast, Katherine Froggatt, Sally Gordon, Rachael Hunter, Liz Jones, Natalia Lago, Brendan McCormack, Louise Marston, Shirley Nurock