Ultimobranchial body

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                            Restricted localization of ultimobranchial body remnants and parafollicular cells in the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) Parafollicular cells (C-cells) exist within the thyroid glands and display different distributions within the glands among mammalian species. In the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius), localization of the C-cells remains under debate. We herein investigated appearance of C-cells and the remnants of the ultimobranchial body, origin of C-cells, in the thyroid glands of one-humped camels. Macroscopically, a white mass was present at one-third the length from the cranial end of the thyroid glands where the cranial thyroid artery entered. In addition, large fossae were frequently found adjacent to the white mass. Histologically, the mass was mainly composed
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                            2018Pediatric Endocrine Society
                            Trip Score
                            Narrative based
                            Evidence based
                            Story”Thyroid C cells were previously thought to be derived from the neural crest. This hypothesiswas based largely on chick-quail xenotransplantation studies by Le Douarinet al.(1970) [13],which revealed that avian Ctn-producing ultimobranchial bodies were derived from the neuralcrest. Recently, Johanssonet al.(2015) [14] used an elegant, lineage-tracing scheme to confirmthat mouse ultimobranchial Li`evre C. [Demonstration of neural origin of calcitonin cells of ultimobranchial body ofchick embryo].C R Acad Sci Hebd Seances Acad Sci D. 1970;270(23):2857–2860.940 | Journal of the Endocrine Society | doi: 10.1210/js.2018-0017814. Johansson E, Andersson L, ̈Ornros J, Carlsson T, Ingeson-Carlsson C, Liang S, Dahlberg J, Jansson S,Parrillo L, Zoppoli P, Barila GO, Altschuler DL, Padula D, Lickert
                            2018Endocrine pathology
                            Solid Cell Nests Within a Parathyroid Gland—Report of an Exceptional Case The ultimobranchial body (UBB) denotes the cellular mass originating from the fourth branchial pouch, which migrates from the neural crest and infolds within the middle and upper poles of the thyroid lobes, thereby establishing the presence of calcitonin-secreting parafollicular C cells. In various numbers, UBB remnants
                            2016European thyroid journal
                            to this very day. As will become apparent, except for a single experiment, the neural crest theory has little or no support when the evolution and development of calcitonin-producing cells in the entire chordate family are considered. Instead, a unifying origin of all cells of the ultimobranchial bodies reopens questions on the histogenesis of certain thyroid pathologies previously difficult to explain
                            2014eMedicine Surgery
                            is an asynchronous process,” one that spans “several developmental stages of thyroid organogenesis.” [5] For further reading, please see the Medscape Reference article Thyroid Anatomy.Previous Next: Parafollicular CellsThe ultimobranchial body develops from the pharyngeal endoderm and in turn gives rise to the parafollicular cells. Also known as C cells, these are a special subset of cells within the thyroid gland that secrete calcitonin, a hormone necessary for the regulation of calcium. This cell differentiation is regulated by the basic helix-loop-helix (bHlH) transcription factor MASH1. [1] The ultimobranchial (ultimopharyngeal) body represents the last structure derived from the branchial pouches (also called pharyngeal pouches); hence its name. It arises from the ventral portion of the fourth pharyngeal pouch
                            2014eMedicine Surgery
                            4. Lesser cornu/upper portion of body of hyoid III. Glossopharyngeal Greater cornu/ lower part of body of hyoid Stylopharyngeus Glossopharyngeal Common carotid, portion of internal carotid 3. Thymus, inferior parathyroid IV. Plus
                            cells in pancreatic endocrine neoplasms are termed amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) cells because they have a high amine content, are capable of amine precursor uptake, and contain an amino acid decarboxylase. [12] Pearse first used the term APUD in 1968 to unify a group of functionally and structurally similar neuroendocrine cells that are present throughout the body. [13] APUD cells ) and their relevance to thyroid and ultimobranchial C cells and calcitonin. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 1968 May 14. 170(18):71-80. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 14. Andrew A, Kramer B, Rawdon BB. The origin of gut and pancreatic neuroendocrine (APUD) cells--the last word?. J Pathol. 1998 Oct. 186(2):117-8. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 15. Kloppel G, Heitz PU. Pancreatic endocrine tumors. Pathol Res Pract
                            characteristics of cells producing polypeptide hormones (the APUD series) and their relevance to thyroid and ultimobranchial C cells and calcitonin. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 1968 May 14. 170(18):71-80. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 14. Andrew A, Kramer B, Rawdon BB. The origin of gut and pancreatic neuroendocrine (APUD) cells--the last word?. J Pathol. 1998 Oct. 186(2):117-8. [QxMD MEDLINE Link tumor (T) is seen obliterating the normal appearance of the tail of the pancreas (Yeo, 2001). * * Neoplasms of the endocrine pancreas. Endoscopic ultrasonography in a patient with an insulinoma. The hypoechoic neoplasm (arrows) is seen in the body of the pancreas anterior to the splenic vein (SV) (Rosch, 1992). of 9 TablesBack to List Contributor Information and Disclosures Author Evan S Ong, MD
                            cells in pancreatic endocrine neoplasms are termed amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) cells because they have a high amine content, are capable of amine precursor uptake, and contain an amino acid decarboxylase. [12] Pearse first used the term APUD in 1968 to unify a group of functionally and structurally similar neuroendocrine cells that are present throughout the body. [13] APUD cells ) and their relevance to thyroid and ultimobranchial C cells and calcitonin. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 1968 May 14. 170(18):71-80. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 14. Andrew A, Kramer B, Rawdon BB. The origin of gut and pancreatic neuroendocrine (APUD) cells--the last word?. J Pathol. 1998 Oct. 186(2):117-8. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 15. Kloppel G, Heitz PU. Pancreatic endocrine tumors. Pathol Res Pract
                            b, and meningococcus group C). [57] Next: Surgical CareAt the time of surgical exploration for pancreatic endocrine neoplasms, the pancreas and peripancreatic regions are completely evaluated. Dividing the gastrocolic ligament exposes the body and tail of the pancreas. This portion of the pancreas can be partially elevated out of the retroperitoneum by dividing the inferior retroperitoneal be treated with regional pancreatectomy. * * Tumors in the body or tail of the pancreas can be managed with distal pancreatectomy. [98] * * Lesions in the head or uncinate process of the pancreas can be resected with pancreaticoduodenectomy. [99, 100] * * Tumors in the neck of the pancreas can now be managed with middle-segment pancreatectomy by oversewing the proximal pancreatic
                            Evidence for Calcitonin-Producing Cells in Human Lingual Thyroids. The thyroid contains two types of cells, the thyroid follicular cells and the calcitonin-producing cells. The site of origin of the thyroid follicular cells is the median thyroid anlage, an endothelial diverticulum in the midline of the ventral pharynx between the first and the second pharyngeal pouches. The ultimobranchial bodies (UBB), a pair of transient embryonic structures evaginated from the fourth pharyngeal pouch and located symmetrically on the sides of the developing neck, are the source of calcitonin-producing cells. In human embryos, the thyroid bud starts its migration at embryonic day 24 and reaches its final location in front of the trachea at embryonic day 45-50. The UBB fuse with the primitive thyroid
                            first expressed in the median thyroid primordium. Interestingly, PAX8 was also expressed in the thyroglossal duct and the ultimobranchial bodies. Human FOXE1 expression was detected later than in the mouse. PAX8 was also expressed in the developing central nervous system and kidney, including the ureteric bud and the main collecting ducts. TITF1 was expressed in the ventral forebrain and lung. FOXE1
                            to the persistence of the ultimobranchial bodies as a cystic structure or part of the thyroid-forming material, which may migrate along the normal pathway of the usual course of the thyroglossal duct, giving rise to cell residues within the empty thyroid area.
                            (+/EGFP)) to localize EphA4 protein in thyroid primordial tissues. This showed that thyroid progenitors originating in the pharyngeal floor express EphA4 at all embryonic stages and when follicles are formed in late development. Also, the ultimobranchial bodies developed from the pharyngeal pouch endoderm express EphA4, but the ultimobranchial epithelium loses the EGFP signal before it merges
                            2006World Journal of Surgery
                            Isthmus-preserving total bilobectomy: an adequate operation for C-cell hyperplasia. Autopsy studies show that C cells deriving from the ultimobranchial body and migrating into the thyroid do not reach the isthmus region and are distributed along the vertical axes of thyroid lobes. This was confirmed in a surgical series of 58 patients (34 with preoperatively normal and 24 with elevated serum
                            the developing foregut and its derivatives, including pharynx, stomach, duodenum, ultimobranchial body, and pancreas. In subsequent stages of development (up to 12 days) the cells are seen in comparatively large numbers in the gastrointestinal tract and in the pancreas. Complete proof that these early APUD cells, which demonstrably arise from the neural crest, are the precursors of all the endocrine
                            1973Journal of anatomy
                            An electron microscopic study of the histogenesis of the ultimobranchial body and of the C-cell system in the sheep.
                            genomic DNA and by sequencing the amplified DNA. The expression of this CT gene was established in ultimobranchial body and brain, by reverse transcription-PCR, hybridization and sequencing. The sCT IV gene, like the sCT I gene, is a complex transcription unit, containing exons encoding for a CT as a calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) molecule. The predicted peptide, sCT IV, has a greater homology
                            2011Endocrine pathology
                            Inmunohistochemical Profile of Solid Cell Nest of Thyroid Gland It is widely held that solid cell nests (SCN) of the thyroid are ultimobranchial body remnants. SCNs are composed of main cells and C cells. It has been suggested that main cells might be pluripotent cells contributing to the histogenesis of C cells and follicular cells, as well as to the formation of certain thyroid tumors
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