Evaluation of the effects of different rapid maxillary expansion appliances on airway by acousticrhinometry: A randomized clinical trial. The purpose of this 3-arm parallel trial was to compare the effects of tooth tissue-borne (TTB), tooth-borne (TB) and bone-borne (BB) rapid maxillary expansion (RME) appliances on nasal airway with acousticrhinometry (AR). Forty-six 12- to 14-year-old
Investigating the Nasal Cycle Using Unilateral Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow and AcousticRhinometry Minimal Cross-Sectional Area Measurements. To plot the nasal cycle using unilateral peak nasal inspiratory flow (UPNIF) and unilateral minimal cross-sectional area (UMCA) readings demonstrating a linear relationship in normal nasal function. Additionally, to determine how this changes in abnormal
Responsiveness of acousticrhinometry to septorhinoplasty by comparison to rhinomanometry and subjective instruments. Nose patency measures and instruments assessing subjective health are increasingly being used in rhinology. However, there is very little evidence of comparing existing methods' responsiveness to change. We evaluated the responsiveness of acousticrhinometry to nasal valve surgery by comparison with rhinomanometry and patient-reported outcome instruments. Prospective case-control study. Tertiary referral University Hospital. Sixty consecutive patients with internal nasal valve dysfunction and 20 healthy volunteers as control group were enrolled. Prospectively collected data included acousticrhinometry, rhinomanometry, NOSE scale, SNOT-23 questionnaire, visual analogue
Evaluation of nasal obstruction in children by acousticrhinometry: A prospective study. acousticrhinometry (AR) is a non-invasive method measuring the nasal volume (NV) and the nasal minimal cross-sectional area (MCA), reflecting nasal obstruction. The first objective of this study was to measure and compare NV and MCA between 3 groups of children: "achondroplasia", "Down syndrome
Evaluation of olfactory function in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis and its correlation with acousticrhinometry. Seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) is common in children and hyposmia is a major symptom affecting the quality of life. The aim of the present study is to assess olfactory dysfunction in pediatric patients with SAR and correlate the results with acousticrhinometry measurements. Forty children, diagnosed as moderate and severe SAR based on clinical findings, ARIA (Allergic rhinitis and it's impact on asthma) classification and prick test results were enrolled in the study. Endoscopic nasal examination, acousticrhinometry, total nasal symptom score (TNSS) and Connecticut Chemosensory Clinical Research Center (CCCRC) tests were performed 'in season' (May-August
Endonasal measurements by acousticrhinometry in children: A preliminary study. The acoustic reflection method (ARM) is a non-invasive technique which uses the reflection of acoustic waves to measure the cross sectional area of nasal cavities in adults and patency of endotracheal tubes. Characteristics and volume of normal nasal cavities in pre-school children has so far not been studied.
Comparative Effect of Beclomethasone Dipropionate and Cetirizine on AcousticRhinometry Parameters in Children With Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The effect of intranasal corticosteroids and oral antihistamines on acousticrhinometry parameters has not been directly compared. The primary objective was to compare the effect of a 21-day course of treatment with nasal beclomethasone dipropionate (nBDP) with that of cetirizine (CTZ) on nasal patency measured using acousticrhinometry in children with perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR). The secondary objective was to compare the effect of both drugs on nasal cytology, symptom severity, sleep quality, and quality of life. In this 21-day, open-label, randomized controlled study, 34 children with PAR (age 6-14 years) with a Total
Specific nasal provocation test with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, monitored by acousticrhinometry, in children with rhinitis. Currently, the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis (AR) is arrived at predominantly by a clinical history and by systemic sensitization tests, but specific nasal provocation tests (NPT) may establish a better direct correlation between etiologic surveyed allergens and nasal symptoms. To standardize the specific NPT with one of the most important house-dust mites, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, monitored by acousticrhinometry, in children and adolescents, and propose a simplified specific NPT to improve its clinical applicability as a diagnostic tool. Sixteen controls (group 1) and 17 patients with an AR diagnosis sensitized to D. pteronyssinus (group 2) underwent
Pre- and post-operative application of acousticrhinometry in children with otitis media with effusion and with or without adenoid hypertrophy-a retrospective analysis. There is no standardized scheme for preoperative evaluation of adenoid hypertrophy or a consensus on surgical indications for adenoidectomy in children with otitis media with effusion (OME), especially for young children intolerant to nasal endoscopic assessment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and reliability of acousticrhinometry (AR) in evaluating benefits from adenoidectomy in children with OME. Children with OME who were scheduled for surgical intervention were reviewed and AR tests performed preoperatively and postoperatively. The patients were divided into two groups based on the surgical
Nasal Ketorolac Challenge Using AcousticRhinometry in Patients With Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease. Safer and less time-consuming alternatives to single-blind placebo-controlled oral challenge (SBPCOC) have been sought for the diagnosis of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD). Nasal challenges with various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and assessment methods have been developed. Objective: Our objective was to evaluate the utility and safety of nasal ketorolac challenge (NKC) using acousticrhinometry in patients with suspected AERD. The study population comprised 36 patients with suspected AERD. NKC was performed with placebo (saline) and 13 mg of ketorolac sprayed as aerosol into both nostrils. A positive challenge result was defined as an increase of ≥30% in nasal
Acousticrhinometry and video endoscopic scoring to evaluate postoperative outcomes in endonasal spreader graft surgery with septoplasty and turbinoplasty for nasal valve collapse. Nasal obstruction is a common complaint seen by otolaryngologists. The internal nasal valve (INV) is typically the narrowest portion of the nasal cavity, and if this area collapses on inspiration the patient experiences significant symptoms of nasal obstruction. The nasal obstruction is further compounded if the INV is narrower than normal. Previous studies have evaluated the effectiveness of techniques to alleviate structural nasal obstruction, but none have looked specifically at spreader grafts measured by acousticrhinometry or validated grading assessment of dynamic INV collapse. Our objective
The Effect of Nasal Obstruction after Different Nasal Surgeries Using AcousticRhinometry and Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation Scale The efficiency of nasal surgeries can be determined by objective or subjective methods. We have assessed the effect of nasal obstruction after different nasal surgeries using AcousticRhinometry (AR) and Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) Scale
Comparison of acousticrhinometry and nasal inspiratory peak flow as objective tools for nasal obstruction assessment in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a disease with increasing incidence, characterized by persistent symptoms and negative impact on patient`s quality of life. Nasal inspiratory peak flow (NIPF) and acousticrhinometry (AR) were studied
Correlations Between AcousticRhinometry, Subjective Symptoms, and Endoscopic Findings in Symptomatic Children With Nasal Obstruction. Nasal obstruction is common in children and difficult to quantify objectively. Symptom quantification is paramount for surgical and medical decision making. Acousticrhinometry is a relatively new technique aimed at the objective assessment of nasal obstruction . There is no standardized method for the objective assessment of the pediatric nasal airway. To explore the correlations between acousticrhinometry (AR), subjective symptoms, and endoscopic findings in children presenting with nasal obstruction. A cross-sectional, exploratory, diagnostic study of prospectively collected data from a multidisciplinary airway clinic (pulmonology, orthodontics, and otolaryngology) database
Evaluation of the effect of nasal dorsal skin cooling on nasal mucosa by acousticrhinometry. The use of cold nasal packs on the nose and nape of the neck is currently recommended for patients with epistaxis as this is thought to induce reflex nasal vasoconstriction, which decreases the bleeding. There have been a few investigations on the effect of cold compress application to the nose , but none of these focused specifically on nasal cooling of the skin of the nose. Acousticrhinometry was performed to obtain baseline measurements. Nasal dorsal skin was then cooled with two ice packs that were held on the left and right side of the nose for a total of 10 minutes by the subjects. The rhinometry measurements were taken at the time of initial application (baseline), and after 5 and 10
Azelastine and budesonide (nasal sprays): Effect of combination therapy monitored by acousticrhinometry and clinical symptom score in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. The aim of this study was to objectively evaluate the effects of intranasal therapy with azelastine (AZE), budesonide (BUD), and combined AZE plus BUD (AZE/BUD) using a nasal provocation test (NPT) and acousticrhinometry based on subjective (symptom score) and objective parameters (acousticrhinometry). The minimal cross-area 2 (MCA2) was measured by acousticrhinometry at 1, 4, 8, and 12 minutes after NPT for each histamine concentration administered (0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 6 mg/mL) up to at least a 20% reduction in the MCA2 from baseline (NPT20). The subjects were scored regarding nasal response encompassing histamine
Velar activity in individuals with velopharyngeal insufficiency assessed by acousticrhinometryAcousticrhinometry is routinely used for the evaluation of nasal patency. To investigate whether the technique is able to identify the impairment of velopharyngeal (VP) activity in individuals with clinical diagnosis of velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI). Twenty subjects with repaired cleft palate and inadequate velopharyngeal function (IVF) and 18 non-cleft controls with adequate velopharyngeal function (AVF), adults, of both genders, were evaluated. Area-distance curves were obtained during VP rest and speech activity, using an Eccovision AcousticRhinometry system. Volume was determined by integrating the area under the curve at the segment corresponding to the nasopharynx. VP activity (ΔV
Nasal obstruction and unilateral chronic otitis media: evaluation by acousticrhinometry. In a prospective study at Umraniye Research and Education Hospital, we aimed to evaluate the differences in acoustic rhinometric findings between the affected and nonaffected sides in patients with unilateral chronic otitis media (COM) and to investigate whether unilateral COM correlates with the side of nasal obstruction. Fifty-five consecutive patients with unilateral COM were involved in this study. All patients were evaluated with acousticrhinometry, the Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) scale, and measurement of their nasal mucociliary transport time. The mean cross-sectional area 1, mean cross-sectional area 2, volume 1, and volume 2 values were not different between the affected
Effect of turbinate surgery in rhinoseptoplasty on quality-of-life and acousticrhinometry outcomes: a randomized clinical trial. To evaluate the role of inferior turbinate reduction during rhinoseptoplasty in quality-of-life outcomes and nasal airway cross-sectional area. Randomized clinical trial. Individuals over 16 years with nasal obstruction, candidates to functional and aesthetics primary obstruction visual analogue scale (NO-VAS) and nasal area measurements in acousticrhinometry. OUTCOMES were blindly assessed 3 months postoperatively. Protocol was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01457638). 50 patients were included, mainly Caucasians with moderate/severe allergic rhinitis symptoms. Mean age was 32 ± 12 yr and 58% were female. Rhinoseptoplasty improved specific and general quality
Evaluating the relationship between nasal obstruction and mean platelet volume by using acousticrhinometry in patients with septum deviation. Nasal airway obstruction is a common cause of upper airway obstruction. It is associated strongly with obstructive and hypoxic manifestations. Mean platelet volume (MPV) levels increase in hypoxic conditions. MPV is one of the platelet activation indices which re!ects the platelet production rate. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between MPV levels and nasal septal deviation (NSD) by using acousticsrhinometry in patients with septum deviation. We performed a retrospective study of 51 patients with NSD and 58 healthy age matched subjects as control group. The diagnosis of patients with NSD was based on anterior rhinoscopy, endoscopic nasal