"Acute radiation syndrome" from_date:2012

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                            2023Biology and Physics
                            Anti-ceramide Single-Chain Variable Fragment Mitigates Gastrointestinal-Acute Radiation Syndrome and Improves Marrow Reconstitution, Rendering Near-Normal 90-Day Autopsies. After September 11, 2001, nuclear threat prompted government agencies to develop medical countermeasures to mitigate two syndromes, the hematopoietic-acute radiation syndrome (H-ARS) and the higher-dose gastrointestinal-acute radiation syndrome (GI-ARS), both lethal within weeks. While repurposing leukemia drugs that enhance bone marrow repopulation successfully treats H-ARS, no mitigator potentially deliverable under mass casualty conditions preserves the GI tract. We recently reported that anti-ceramide single-chain variable fragment (scFv) mitigates GI-ARS lethality, abrogating ongoing small intestinal endothelial apoptosis
                            A first-in-human study of KMRC011, a potential treatment for acute radiation syndrome, to explore tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. KMRC011 is a novel Toll-like receptor 5 agonist under development as a treatment for acute radiation syndrome (ARS). The aim of this first-in-human study was to investigate the tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of a single
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                            Rescue from lethal acute radiation syndrome (ARS) with severe weight loss by secretome of intramuscularly injected human placental stromal cells. Most current cell-based regenerative therapies are based on the indirect induction of the affected tissues repair. Xenogeneic cell-based treatment with expanded human placenta stromal cells, predominantly from fetal origin (PLX-RAD cells), were shown to mitigate significantly acute radiation syndrome (ARS) following high dose irradiation in mice, with expedited regain of weight loss and haematopoietic function. The current mechanistic study explores the indirect effect of the secretome of PLX-RAD cells in the rescue of the irradiated mice. The mitigation of the ARS was investigated following two intramuscularly (IM) injected 2 × 10 PLX-RAD cells, 1
                            2016PLoS ONE
                            MicroRNA Expression for Early Prediction of Late Occurring Hematologic Acute Radiation Syndrome in Baboons. For effective medical management of radiation-exposed persons after a radiological/nuclear event, blood-based screening measures in the first few days that could predict hematologic acute radiation syndrome (HARS) are needed. For HARS severity prediction, we used microRNA (miRNA) expression
                            2018Scientific reports
                            AIMP3 Deletion Induces Acute Radiation Syndrome-like Phenotype in Mice Genomes are mostly protected from constant DNA-damaging threats, either internal or external, which ultimately sustain the organism. Herein, we report that AIMP3, a previously demonstrated tumour suppressor, plays an essential role in maintaining genome integrity in adult mice. Upon induction of the temporal systemic deletion of AIMP3 by tamoxifen in adult mice, the animals developed an acute radiation syndrome-like phenotype, typified by scleroderma, hypotrophy of haematopoietic cells and organs, and intestinal failure. Induction of γH2AX, an early marker of DNA double-strand breaks, was observed in the spleen, intestine, and the highly replicating embryonic cortex. In addition, sub-lethal irradiation of AIMP3 mKO mice
                            Acute radiation syndrome in a non-destructive testing worker: a case report In Korea, there were repeated radiation exposure accidents among non-destructive testing workers. Most of the cases involved local injury, such as radiation burns or hematopoietic cancer. Herein, we report a case of acute radiation syndrome caused by short periods of high exposure to ionizing radiation. In January 2017 pancytopenia and the patient was diagnosed with acute radiation syndrome (white blood cells: 1400/cubic mm, hemoglobin: 7.1 g/dL, platelets: 14000/cubic mm). He was immediately prohibited from working and blood transfusion was commenced. The patient's radiation exposure dose was over 1.4 Gy (95% confidence limits: 1.1-1.6) in lymphocyte depletion kinetics. It was revealed that the patient had been performing
                            2018Journal of radiation research
                            Medical management of acute radiation syndrome and associated infections in a high-casualty incident A high-casualty incident may result in a significant human toll due to the inability of a community to meet the health care demands of the population. A successful medical response requires health care facilities to not only communicate and integrate medical services, meet surge capacity, protect of each of the four sub-syndromes that compose acute radiation syndrome (ARS), including the hematopoietic subsyndrome (HS), gastrointestinal subsyndrome (GIS), neurovascular subsyndrome (NVS) and cutaneous subsyndrome (CS). Major findings in studies meeting inclusion criteria for management strategies for HS were that (i) no randomized controlled studies of medical countermeasures have been
                            2017Scientific reports
                            The Toll–Like Receptor 2/6 Agonist, FSL–1 Lipopeptide, Therapeutically Mitigates Acute Radiation Syndrome Risks of radiation exposure from nuclear incidents and cancer radiotherapy are undeniable realities. These dangers urgently compel the development of agents for ameliorating radiation-induced injuries. Biologic pathways mediated by myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88
                            2017Radiation research
                            Combined Therapy of Pegylated G-CSF and Alxn4100TPO Improves Survival and Mitigates Acute Radiation Syndrome after Whole-Body Ionizing Irradiation Alone and Followed by Wound Trauma Exposure to ionizing radiation alone or combined with traumatic tissue injury is a crucial life-threatening factor in nuclear and radiological incidents. Radiation injuries occur at the molecular, cellular, tissue (a cytokine for neutrophil maturation and mobilization) and Alxn4100TPO (a thrombopoietin receptor agonist) at 4 h postirradiation, a 95% survival (vehicle: 60%) over the 30-day period, along with mitigated body-weight loss and significantly reduced acute radiation syndrome. In animals that received combined treatment of radiation and injury that received pegylated G-CSF and Alxn4100TPO, survival
                            The Regenerative Effect of Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells on Cell Count and Survival in Acute Radiation Syndrome
                            2016Radiation research
                            Citrulline as a Biomarker for Gastrointestinal-Acute Radiation Syndrome: Species Differences and Experimental Condition Effects Animal models of hematopoietic and gastrointestinal acute radiation syndromes (ARS) have been characterized to develop medical countermeasures. Acute radiation-induced decrease of intestinal absorptive function has been correlated to a decrease in the number
                            2016Military Medical Research
                            Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for acute radiation syndrome Acute radiation syndrome affects military personnel and civilians following the uncontrolled dispersal of radiation, such as that caused by detonation of nuclear devices and inappropriate medical treatments. Therefore, there is a growing need for medical interventions that facilitate the improved recovery of victims and patients. One promising approach may be cell therapy, which, when appropriately implemented, may facilitate recovery from whole body injuries. This editorial highlights the current knowledge regarding the use of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of acute radiation syndrome, the benefits and limitations of which are under investigation. Establishing successful therapies for acute radiation syndrome may require
                            γ-Tocotrienol as a Promising Countermeasure for Acute Radiation Syndrome: Current Status The hazard of ionizing radiation exposure due to nuclear accidents or terrorist attacks is ever increasing. Despite decades of research, still, there is a shortage of non-toxic, safe and effective medical countermeasures for radiological and nuclear emergency. To date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) has approved only two growth factors, Neupogen (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), filgrastim) and Neulasta (PEGylated G-CSF, pegfilgrastim) for the treatment of hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome (H-ARS) following the Animal Efficacy Rule. Promising radioprotective efficacy results of γ-tocotrienol (GT3; a member of the vitamin E family) in the mouse model encouraged its
                            2014Comparative medicine
                            Gastrointestinal Acute Radiation Syndrome in Göttingen Minipigs (Sus Scrofa Domestica) In the absence of supportive care, exposing Göttingen minipigs to γ-radiation doses of less than 2 Gy achieves lethality due to hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome. Doses of 2 to 5 Gy are associated with an accelerated hematopoietic syndrome, characterized by villus blunting and fusion, the beginning of sepsis, and a mild transient reduction in plasma citrulline concentration. We exposed male Göttingen minipigs (age, 5 mo; weight, 9 to 11 kg) to γ-radiation doses of 5 to 12 Gy (total body; (60)Co, 0.6 Gy/min) to test whether these animals exhibit classic gastrointestinal acute radiation syndrome (GI-ARS). After exposure, the minipigs were monitored for 10 d by using clinical signs, CBC counts
                            Radioprotective effect of Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin in gamma induced acute radiation syndrome The radioprotective effect of hemocyanin (RtH) against radiation-induced injuries (stomach ulcers, survival time and endogenous haemopoiesis) and post-radiation recovery was investigated in male albino mice (C3H strain). Radiation course was in a dose of 7.5 Gy (LD 100/30 - dose that kills 100 % of the mice at 30 days) from Cs with a dose of 2.05 Gy/min. Radiation injuries were manifested by inducing а hematopoietic form of acute radiation syndrome. RtH was administered intraperitoneally in a single dose of 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg/kg body weight (b. w.) once a day for five consecutive days before irradiation. The results obtained showed that radiation exposure led to (1) 100% mortality rate, (2
                            2012Health physics
                            A nonhuman primate model of the hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome plus medical management. The development of medical countermeasures against the hematopoietic subsyndrome of the acute radiation syndrome requires well characterized and validated animal models. The model must define the radiation dose- and time-dependent relationships for mortality and major signs of morbidity to include of the hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome and shows the marked effect of medical management on increased survival and overall mean survival time for decedents. Furthermore, following a nuclear terrorist event, medical management may be the only treatment administered at its optimal schedule.
                            2012European Radiology
                            MRI assessment of local acute radiation syndrome. To describe local acute radiation syndrome and its radiological imaging characteristics. We performed a retrospective study of patients who had suffered skin and deeper radiation damage who were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We compared the clinical findings, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and MRI results. A total of 22 MRI with clinical stage and no false negative examinations were obtained. In particular, the association between normal MRI and low CRP level seems to be related to good outcome without specific treatment. Local acute radiation syndrome (radioepidermitis) mainly affects the skin and superficial tissues. MRI findings correspond with clinical stage (with a strong negative predictive value). MRI outperformed X-ray
                            2024International Society for Oral Oncology
                            Trip Score
                            Narrative based
                            Evidence based
                            for Antiemetic Research. Radiation-induced emesis: a prospective observational multicenter Italian trial (1999) The Italian Group for Antiemetic Research in Radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 44(3):619–625. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0360-3016(99)00055-3Article Google Scholar Danjoux CE, Rider WD, Fitzpatrick PJ (1979) Acute radiation syndrome - memorial to courtbrown, William, Michael. Clin Radiol 30(5
                            2019Clinical Trials
                            Open-label Phase I Study for PEP or Treatment of HS-ARS PLX-R18 for the Post-Exposure Prevention (PEP) or Treatment of Hematopoietic Syndrome of Acute Radiation Syndrome (HS-ARS) The objective of the study is to evaluate the safety of intramuscular (IM) administration of PLX-R18 in subjects exposed to ionizing radiation and who are at risk of developing HS-ARS.Indication:Post-Exposure Prevention (PEP) or treatment of Hematopoietic Syndrome of Acute Radiation Syndrome (HS-ARS) in subjects suspected to have been exposed to ionizing radiation. This will be a Phase I, open-label safety study; each subject will receive two administrations of PLX-R18, 4 days apart. Each administration of PLX-R18 will contain 4 million cells/kg (up to a maximal dose of 400 million cells). The first administration
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