"Shaken baby syndrome" from_date:2012

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                            2022French Clinical Guidelines
                            Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) or Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma from Shaking: Guidelines for Interventions During the Perinatal Period from the French National College Of Midwives Shaken baby syndrome is the most severe head injury in children. Shaking is an extremely violent gesture, often repeated. The children affected are generally less than a year old, in 2/3 of cases, less than 6 months old
                            Retinodural haemorrhage of infancy, abusive head trauma, shaken baby syndrome: The continuing quest for evidence. The shaken baby syndrome was originally proposed in the 1970s without any formal scientific basis. Once data generated by scientific research was available, the hypothesis became controversial. There developed essentially two sides in the debate. One side claimed that the clinical
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                            2022Experimental Gerontology
                            Comparative study of brain damage and oxidative stress using two animal models of the shaken baby syndrome. The objective was compare the morphological damages in brain and to evaluate the participation of oxidative stress, using two animal models of shaken baby syndrome (SBS). Five-day-old Wistar rats were used to develop two models of SBS as follows: Gyrotwister (GT) group was subjected to low
                            The effect of a shaken baby syndrome prevention program on Turkish mothers' awareness and knowledge: A randomized controlled study. This study aimed to develop an evidence-based education program to increase mothers' awareness and knowledge of shaken baby syndrome (SBS) and evaluate program effectiveness. Mothers with babies between 2 and 4 months of age were completed the study (intervention group = 43 and control group = 44). This single-blind randomized controlled study was conducted between September 2020 and February 2021. The intervention group participated in an 8-week follow-up. Outcome variables were assessed at baseline and 8 weeks after commencement of the intervention, which included measures to evaluate the administration of the shaken baby syndrome prevention program (SBSPP
                            Shaken baby syndrome in an infant treated for retinopathy of prematurity with anti-VEGF injection. We present the case of an infant who received bevacizumab treatment for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and developed retinal hemorrhages 12 weeks later. Although preretinal hemorrhages along the ROP's ridge were a concern for recurrence, we decided to investigate other etiologies because
                            2020BMC Ophthalmology
                            Swept-source OCT findings in shaken baby syndrome: case report. Our purpose was to document the swept source optical coherence tomography (SSOCT) findings in a patient with Shaken baby syndrome (SBS). SSOCT was obtained without sedation in a six-month-old girl with bilateral multilayered retinal hemorrhages due to SBS. It documented vitreoretinal interface abnormalities, including internal
                            2024Clinical Trials
                            Evaluation of Young Parents' Knowledge of Shaken Baby Syndrome in Maternity Wards As part of everyday clinical practice, messages about preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome are delivered to young parents in maternity wards. The modality of these messages changes regularly. For example, in the near future, the messages will be delivered by video in addition to the usual practice. The investigators are setting up a prospective observational cohort study in order to evaluate and then monitor the state of knowledge of young parents on shaken baby syndrome. undefined
                            2016Journal of Pediatrics
                            Acceptance of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma as Medical Diagnoses. To assess the current general acceptance within the medical community of shaken baby syndrome (SBS), abusive head trauma (AHT), and several alternative explanations for findings commonly seen in abused children. This was a survey of physicians frequently involved in the evaluation of injured children at 10 leading
                            Shaken baby syndrome : A Systematic Review of the Observational Studies and Case Reports PROSPEROInternational prospective register of systematic reviews Print | PDFShaken baby syndrome : A Systematic Review of the Observational Studies and Case ReportsRezy Ramawan Melbiarta, Dewangga Sakti Satria Kinasih, Asra Al Fauzi, Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu, Neissya Nastiti Firmanto, Anggia Gracia as any other PROSPERO registration. Further detail is provided here.CitationRezy Ramawan Melbiarta, Dewangga Sakti Satria Kinasih, Asra Al Fauzi, Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu, Neissya Nastiti Firmanto, Anggia Gracia Marlina Situmorang, Antonio Ayrton Dos Anjos Pereira Widiastara. Shaken baby syndrome : A Systematic Review of the Observational Studies and Case Reports. PROSPERO 2023 CRD42023398763
                            Shaken baby syndrome and domestic violence : a systematic review of the last 20 years PROSPEROInternational prospective register of systematic reviews Print | PDFShaken baby syndrome and domestic violence : a systematic review of the last 20 yearsLucile SALORT, MD fellowship, Humbert De FREMINVILLE, MD, PhD, Adj ProfessorTo enable PROSPERO to focus on COVID-19 submissions, this registration , Adj Professor. Shaken baby syndrome and domestic violence : a systematic review of the last 20 years. PROSPERO 2023 CRD42023469037 Available from: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42023469037Review questionHow Shaken Baby Syndrome under 2 years old could be associated with Domestic Violence in the same household?SearchesTo indentify studies for the systematic review
                            2018FP Notebook
                            Shaken Baby Syndrome Shaken Baby Syndrome * Versions * Standard Desktop * Legacy Desktop * Mobile Web * Iphone/Ipad App * * Help Toggle navigation * * Home * Books: A to N * Cardiovascular Medicine * Dentistry * Dermatology * Emergency Medicine * Endocrinology * Gastroenterology * Geriatric Medicine to Palliative Care * * Administration * Patient Satisfaction * Documentation 4 * * advertisement * Home * Neurology Book * Pediatrics Chapter * Shaken Baby Syndrome Shaken Baby Syndrome Aka: Shaken Baby Syndrome, Shaken Impact Syndrome, Abusive Head Trauma of Infancy Neurology Pediatrics Chapter * Cardiovascular Medicine * Pediatric
                            Hearing loss in the shaken baby syndrome. To evaluate hearing in children diagnosed with shaken baby syndrome. A retrospective study conducted in a pediatric tertiary care center between 2006 and 2012. Children diagnosed with shaken baby syndrome were included for hearing evaluation by conventional audiometry, distortion product otoacoustic emissions and auditory brainstem responses. Twenty mobility in one ear, two children had a negative pressure, one child had a functional trans-tympanic tube and test was not performed in 2 patients. This is the first study reporting hearing loss as a possible result of shaken baby syndrome. However, further studies with larger number of children would be preferable. We recommend hearing evaluation for these children to rule out hearing loss.
                            2014Obstetrics and Gynecology
                            Rural obstetrics and gynecology office collaborates with nursing students for shaken baby syndrome prevention teaching.
                            Experimental analyses of the retinal and subretinal haemorrhages accompanied by shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma using a dummy doll. We explored several modes of violent shaking using a dummy doll with an eyeball model to reproduce abusive events that lead to retinal haemorrhages (RH) seen in shaken baby syndrome or abusive head trauma (SBS/AHT). A dummy doll equipped with an eyeball
                            2014BMJ case reports
                            An inability to learn to read caused by shaken baby syndrome We report a 12-year-old boy who suffered from shaken baby syndrome at the age of 4 months and has been unable to learn to read even high-frequency, three-letter words, despite slow but accurate letter naming. He had a right homonymous hemianopia and evidence of impaired higher visual function, but not at a severe enough level to account
                            2015FP Notebook
                            Shaken Baby Syndrome Shaken Baby Syndrome * Versions * Standard Desktop * Legacy Desktop * Mobile Web * Iphone/Ipad App * * Help Toggle navigation * * Home * Books: A to N * Cardiovascular Medicine * Dentistry * Dermatology * Emergency Medicine * Endocrinology * Gastroenterology * Geriatric Medicine to Palliative Care * * Administration * Patient Satisfaction * Documentation 4 * * advertisement * Home * Neurology Book * Pediatrics Chapter * Shaken Baby Syndrome Shaken Baby Syndrome Aka: Shaken Baby Syndrome, Shaken Impact Syndrome, Abusive Head Trauma of Infancy Neurology Pediatrics Chapter * Cardiovascular Medicine * Pediatric
                            2020Clinical Trials
                            The Effect of a Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Program Objective: This randomized controlled study aims to examine whether the education program prepared to prevent shaken baby syndrome has an effect on mothers' knowledge and attitudes.Method: Simple randomization will be used to evaluate the intervention and control groups. The study will be carried out with 90 mothers babies of 2-4 months, who collection phase. Method: The study will be conducted with 90 mothers with 2-4 months old babies who applied to Akdeniz University Hospital Healthy Children Polyclinic (intervention group: 45, control group: 45). Personal Information Form, Shaken baby syndrome assessment survey will be used to collect data. Simple randomization will be used to evaluate the intervention and control groups. In order
                            2012Annals of Thoracic Surgery
                            Mediastinal emphysema after head-banging in a rock artist: pseudo shaken-baby syndrome in adulthood. A 34-year-old man was seen because of severe right neck pain. He was a guitarist in a special type of heavy metal rock (so-called visual-kei, a subgenre related to glam-rock) band and habitually shook his head violently throughout concert performances. He regularly experienced neck and chest pain after a concert, which persisted for some time. Computed tomography scanning of the neck showed mediastinal emphysema. We surmise that head-banging resemble those of shaken-baby syndrome.
                            2012Child abuse & neglect
                            Effectiveness of educational materials designed to change knowledge and behavior about crying and shaken baby syndrome: a replication of a randomized controlled trial in Japan. Infant crying is particularly frustrating to caregivers in the first few months of life and the most common trigger for shaking and abuse. The effectiveness of the Period of PURPLE Crying prevention materials (DVD