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                            Benzthiazide An official website of the United States government Here's how you know Log inAccess keysNCBI HomepageMyNCBI HomepageMain ContentMain NavigationBookshelfSearch databaseBooksAll DatabasesAssemblyBiocollectionsBioProjectBioSampleBooksClinVarConserved DomainsdbGaPdbVarGeneGenomeGEO DataSetsGEO ProfilesGTRHomoloGeneIdentical Protein GroupsMedGenMeSHNLM and EffectsSummary of Use during LactationNo information is available on the amount of benzthiazide in breastmilk. Intense diuresis with large doses may decrease breastmilk production. Other diuretics in low doses are preferred over benzthiazide.Drug LevelsMaternal Levels. Relevant published information was not found as of the revision date.Infant Levels. Relevant published information was not found
                            Hydroflumethiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Benzthiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Bendroflumethiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]See reviews...See all...Recent ActivityClearTurn OffMethyclothiazide - Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®)See more...FOLLOW NCBIConnect with NLM National Library of Medicine8600 Rockville PikeBethesda, MD 20894Web PoliciesFOIAHHS
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                            SubstancePubMedSimilar articles in PubMedReview Hydrochlorothiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Benzthiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Methyclothiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Trichlormethiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Polythiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]See reviews...See all...Recent ActivityClearTurn OffChlorothiazide - Drugs and Lactation
                            Hydroflumethiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Benzthiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]See reviews...See all...Recent ActivityClearTurn OffIndapamide - Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®)See more...FOLLOW NCBIConnect with NLM National Library of Medicine8600 Rockville PikeBethesda, MD 20894Web PoliciesFOIAHHS Vulnerability DisclosureHelpAccessibilityCareersNLMNIHHHSUSA.gov
                            and Lactation Database (...]Review Methyclothiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Polythiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Benzthiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]See reviews...See all...Recent ActivityClearTurn OffHydroflumethiazide - Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®)See more...FOLLOW NCBIConnect with NLM National Library of Medicine8600 Rockville PikeBethesda, MD
                            and Lactation Database (...]Review Benzthiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Polythiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]See reviews...See all...Recent ActivityClearTurn OffBendroflumethiazide - Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®)See more...FOLLOW NCBIConnect with NLM National Library of Medicine8600 Rockville PikeBethesda, MD 20894Web PoliciesFOIAHHS Vulnerability
                            SubstancePubMedSimilar articles in PubMedReview Methyclothiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Benzthiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Trichlormethiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Hydroflumethiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]Review Bendroflumethiazide.[Drugs and Lactation Database (...]See reviews...See all...Recent ActivityClearTurn OffPolythiazide - Drugs
                            1960British medical journal
                            Clinical Evaluation of Benzthiazide, an Oral Diuretic
                            2010European Dermatology Forum
                            Trip Score
                            Narrative based
                            Evidence based
                            (frusemide), chlorothiazide, bendroflumethiazide, benzthiazide, cyclothiazide, hydroflumethiazide, methyclothiazide, trichlormethiazide, polythiazide, ethacrynic acid, amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone, acetazolamide, metolazone, quinethazone. Antimalarials Chloroquine, quinine, mefloquine, pyrimethamine. Antidepressants Amitriptyline, trimipramine, nortriptyline, protriptyline, desipramine