"Binucleated cells"

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                            Trinucleate uterine epithelial cells as evidence for White-tail Deer trophoblast binucleate cell migration and as markers of placental binucleate cell dynamics in a variety of wild ruminants. The unicellular trophoblast epithelium of all ruminants so far investigated contains 15-20% binucleate cells with numerous secretory granules. Electron microscope (EM) studies of the domesticated cow, ewe
                            Glycosylation and immunocytochemistry of binucleate cells in pronghorn (Antilocapra americana, Antilocapridae) show features of both Giraffidae and Bovidae. Although the pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) resembles an antelope, its nearest relatives are the giraffe and okapi. In this study we have examined the placentae of 6 pronghorns using lectin- and immunocytochemistry to identify giraffid and bovid features. Binucleate cells (BNC) of the placenta exhibited features intermediate between those of the giraffe and bovine; Dolichos biflorus agglutinin binding - strong in the bovine BNC and absent in the giraffe - was evident in only a subpopulation of BNC while binding to blood vessels, as in the giraffe. Binding of Phytolacca americana agglutinin resembled that of the giraffe and okapi whereas
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                            2016Particle and fibre toxicology
                            Endocytosed nanoparticles hold endosomes and stimulate binucleated cells formation Nanotechnology developed rapidly in cellular diagnosis and treatment, the endocytic system was an important pathway for targeting cell. In the research of developing macrophages as drug carriers or important therapeutic targets, an interesting phenomenon, internalized nanoparticles induced to form binucleated macrophages, was found although the particles dose did not cause obvious cytotoxicity. Under 25 μg/ml, internalized 30 nm polystyrene beads(30 nm Ps nanoparticles) induced the formation of binucleated macrophages when they entered into endosomes via the endocytic pathway. These internalized 30 nm Ps nanoparticles (25 μg/ml) and 30 nm Au-NPs (1.575 ng/ml) also induced markedly rise of binucleated cell rates
                            2024BMC Oral Health
                            sulcus mucosa was the most common site affected (47%). The most frequent cytomorphological change was micronuclei (46%), followed by nuclear budding (25%), perinuclear halo (18%), and binucleated cells (14%). In the 51-60 age group, micronuclei (78.9%), nuclear budding (55.3%), binucleation (31.6%), and perinuclear halo (36.8%) were more prevalent (P < 0.005). Gender analysis revealed that micronuclei micronuclei, nuclear budding, binucleated cells, and perinuclear halo, with micronuclei being the most prevalent. These findings could facilitate the early diagnosis of oral lesions and their timely management in habitual smokeless tobacco users.
                            , karyolysis, and karyorrhexis, in a double-blind manner. The repair index was also evaluated in this setting. The human immunodeficiency virus group showed high frequencies of micronuclei (p=0.05), binucleated cells (p=0.001), and nuclear buds (p=0.03). In the cytotoxicity parameters, represented by the cell death phases, there was an increase with statistical difference (p≤0.05) in the karyorrhexis
                            and placentomes collected to determine binucleate cell numbers. The study was conducted as a completely randomized design arrangement with repeated measures. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. There was a nutritional treatment by day interaction (P < 0.01) with CON ewes having greater umbilical blood flow compared with RES by d 90. Fetal biparietal distance, abdominal width, and kidney area increased (P < 0.05) in CON-RES with all these measurements increasing during late gestation. We partially accept our hypothesis as nutrient restriction during mid gestation decreased umbilical blood flow. However, blood flow did not return to control levels upon realimentation. By d 130, fetal and placental weights were similar between RES-RES and CON-CON. Binucleate cell numbers in the fetal trophoblast
                            2014European Medicines Agency - EPARs
                            Spectrometry LDPE Low density polyethylene LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level MCQME methyl 5-chloro-4-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-quinoline-3-carboxylate MCV Mean Cell Volume MFIS Modified Fatigue Impact Scale MNAR Missing Not At Random MNBN Micronucleated Binucleated (cell) Nerventra EMA/451905/2014 Page 6/138 MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging MS Multiple Sclerosis MSFC Multiple Sclerosis
                            processes in selected subsamples of cell bodies and apical processes. In 2661 sections through 17 cells, apical processes contained 65 ± 24 melanosomes in mononucleate (n = 15) and 131 ± 28 in binucleate cells (n = 2). Cell bodies contained 681 ± 153 LM and 734 ± 170 mitochondria. LM was excluded from the basal quartile, and mitochondria from the apical quartile. Lengths of melanosomes, LM
                            2019Circulation Research
                            (siRNA) or overexpression (lentivirus), to identify SMILR-regulated genes. This revealed a SMILR-dependent network essential for cell cycle progression. In particular, we found using the fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator viral system that SMILR regulates the late mitotic phase of the cell cycle and cytokinesis with SMILR knockdown resulting in ≈10% increase in binucleated cells
                            2018Journal of Ethnopharmacology
                            and punicalagin. HETa showed no cytotoxic effect on CHO-K1 and AGS cells. In the MN assay, HETa increased the number of MNs and nuclear buds (NBUDs) in binucleate cells at the three concentrations tested and the nucleoplasmic bridges (NPBs) number at 30 μg/mL. In the comet test, HETa (10 and 100 μg/mL) alone showed a genotoxic effect on CHO-K1 cells. In pre-treatment, HETa at all concentrations tested prevented
                            2016PLoS ONE
                            ) and pluripotency-related genes (endogenous OCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-MYC). Furthermore, when biTBCs were induced to differentiate by removing Dox from culture, they formed binucleate cells and began to express pregnancy-related genes (PL, PRP1, and PAG1). This is the first report demonstrating that the induction of pluripotency in bovine amniotic cells allows the generation of trophoblastic cell lines
                            2016PLoS ONE
                            aberrations and binucleated cells (hen's egg test for micronuclei induction, HET-MN). At the same time, the embryo mortality was documented. For each experiment, positive controls (cyclophosphamide and methotrexate) and negative controls (NaCl-solution, argon gas) were included. Additionally, the antioxidant potential of the blood plasma was assessed by ascorbic acid oxidation assay after treatment
                            A streamlined cohesin apparatus is sufficient for mitosis and meiosis in the protist Tetrahymena In order to understand its diverse functions, we have studied cohesin in the evolutionarily distant ciliate model organism Tetrahymena thermophila. In this binucleate cell, the heritable germline genome is maintained separately from the transcriptionally active somatic genome. In a previous study, we
                            2018PLoS genetics
                            into binucleate oocytes in apoptosis-defective strains, and appear capable of producing triploid offspring. Our results suggest that the nuclear layer of the germline syncytium becomes folded during mitosis and growth, and that binucleate cells arise as the layer unfolds or everts; all of the binucleate cells are subsequently removed by apoptosis. These results show that physiological apoptosis targets at least
                            2018Journal of toxicology
                            -piperaquine phosphate (DHAP), a coformulation for artemisinin-based combination therapy, was evaluated using model. The toxicity on the mitotic index varies with the duration of exposure and dose tested. Chromosome aberrations observed include chromosome fragments, chromosome bridges, binucleated cells, and micronucleated cells. This study showed that DHAP can depress mitosis and induce chromosome
                            not successfully complete cytokinesis leading to accumulation of binucleated cells, chromosomal instability, and increased tumorigenicity. However, how HIPK2 and H2B are recruited to the midbody during cytokinesis is still unknown. Here, we show that regardless of their direct (H2B) and indirect (HIPK2) binding of chromosomal DNA, both H2B and HIPK2 localize at the midbody independently of nucleic acids. Instead
                            were evaluated with a comet assay and micronuclei on binucleated cells. Five of nine horchatas had cytotoxic effects against D-384 while not affecting normal cells. These horchatas induce cell death by apoptosis modulated by p53/p73. In CHO-K1 cells, the horchatas decrease the damage induced by hydrogen peroxide and Mitomycin C measured in the comet and micronucleus assay respectively. The IC range
                            binucleated cells, slight hyperchromasia, and an irregular nuclear profile. Mitotic activity was absent. The patient didn't have history of laryngeal trauma. Subacute and progressive onset of clinical symptoms and histological and radiological findings helps to distinguish the chondrometaplastic nature from true laryngeal cartilaginous tumours, such as chondroma and low grade chondrosarcoma.
                            2017Cell Journal (Yakhteh)
                            medium dilution could revive the RIBE response that disappeared at a high dose. The RIBE level in QU-DB bystander cells increased in the dose range of 0.5 to 4 Gy, but decreased at 6 and 8 Gy. The Micronucleated cells per 1000 binucleated cells (MNBN) frequency of QU-DB bystander cells which received the most diluted medium from 6 and 8 Gy QU-DB irradiated cells reached the maximum level compared