A multifaceted intervention to reduce antibiotic prescribing among CHIldren with acute COugh and respiratory tract infection: the CHICO cluster RCT Text onlyJournals LibraryNHS NIHR - National Institute for Health ResearchSelectEMEGHRHSDRHTAPGfARPHR AdvancedJournalsEfficacy and Mechanism EvaluationGlobal Health ResearchHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchHealth Technology prescribing among CHIldren with acute COugh and respiratory tract infection: the CHICO cluster RCTPeter S Blair, Grace J Young, Clare Clement, Padraig Dixon, Penny Seume, Jenny Ingram, Jodi Taylor, Jeremy Horwood, Patricia J Lucas, Christie Cabral, Nick A Francis, Elizabeth Beech, Martin Gulliford, Sam Creavin, Janet A Lane, Scott Bevan & Alastair D Hay.Detailed Author informationFunding: Health Technology