[Effect of tricyclic antidepressive agents on hemodynamics and plasms norepinephrine level in man during rest and exertion]. The effects of i.v. injected antidepressants Imipramine (Tofranil, Geigy) and Dimetacrine (Istonil, Siegfried) on cardiavascular functions were investigated in 18 patients at diagnostic cardiac catheterization. 4 patients were additionally studied during ergometric exercise before and 45 min. after application of both thymoleptica. Determinations of noradrenaline plasma concentrations were carried out in 8 patients. The results show of 25 mg (= 22,1 mg free base) Imipramine or 33.5 mg (= 21.4 mg free base) Dimetacrine did not induce significant changes in heart rate and cardiac index. 2. Already 15 min. after application of both drugs a clear increase in left ventricular