"Heerfordt syndrome"

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                            Heerfordt's Syndrome We value your privacyWe and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products. With your permission we and our partners may use THIS ARTICLEDefinitionEpidemiologyPresentationDifferential diagnosisInvestigationsManagementComplicationsPrognosisPreventionSynonyms: Heerfordt syndrome (USA form), Heerfordt's disease, Heerfordt-Mylius syndrome, Heerfordt-Waldenstrom syndrome, Waldenstrom's uveoparotitis, uveoparotid fever, febris uveoparotidae, neuro-uveoparotitis syndrome, uveoparotitic paralysis, uveomeningitic syndromeSee also the separate Sarcoidosis article.Definition[1
                            2018Clinical Case Reports
                            Sarcoidosis presenting with facial swelling (Heerfordt syndrome) Sarcoidosis is one of the "great masqueraders" of medicine and can present with atypical facial swelling. Imaging and biopsy confirm the diagnosis.
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                            2016Case reports in otolaryngology
                            Two Cases of Heerfordt's Syndrome: A Rare Manifestation of Sarcoidosis Heerfordt's syndrome is a rare manifestation of sarcoidosis characterized by the presence of facial nerve palsy, parotid gland enlargement, anterior uveitis, and low grade fever. Two cases of Heerfordt's syndrome and a literature review are presented. Case  1. A 53-year-old man presented with swelling of his right eyelid , right facial nerve palsy, and swelling of his right parotid gland. A biopsy specimen from the swollen eyelid indicated sarcoidosis and he was diagnosed with incomplete Heerfordt's syndrome based on the absence of uveitis. His symptoms were improved by corticosteroid therapy. Case  2. A 55-year-old woman presented with left facial nerve palsy, bilateral hearing loss, and swelling of her bilateral
                            2021INESSS (Quebec)
                            Review Analysis
                            Appears Promising
                            : a compatible clinical and/or radiological presentation, the histological evidence of non-necrotising granulomatous inflammation in one or more tissues and the exclusion of alternative causes of granulomatous disease. Certain clinical features are considered to be highly specific of the disease (eg, Löfgren's syndrome, lupus pernio, Heerfordt's syndrome) and do not require histological confirmation.Management
                            , et al; Sarcoidosis: A Clinical Overview from Symptoms to Diagnosis. Cells. 2021 Mar 3110(4). pii: cells10040766. doi: 10.3390/cells10040766.Palmucci S, Torrisi SE, Caltabiano DC, et al; Clinical and radiological features of extra-pulmonary sarcoidosis: a pictorial essay. Insights Imaging. 2016 Aug7(4):571-87. doi: 10.1007/s13244-016-0495-4. Epub 2016 May 25.McGee J, Minagar A; Heerfordt's Syndrome
                            refers to the dilation of a duct due to stones or strictures.Sialadenosis refers to non-neoplastic non-inflammatory swelling with acinar hypertrophy and ductal atrophy.Causes of salivary gland disordersIn the parotid glands, these include:Viral parotitis - mumps.Stone in salivary duct.Benign and malignant tumours.Sjögren's syndrome.Sarcoidosis (note, Heerfordt's syndrome = sarcoidosis with parotid
                            Sarcoidosis (Heerfordt syndrome, uveoparotid fever) Osteopetrosis * Adapted from May and Klein
                            2017Heart & Lung
                            Sarcoidosis with fever and a splenic infarct due to CMV or lymphoma? We present a case of an adult female with a past history of pulmonary sarcoidosis who presented with fever, night sweats, profound fatigue, and LUQ abdominal pain. Sarcoidosis is an afebrile disorder (excluding Lofgren's syndrome, Heerfordt's syndrome or neurosarcoidosis). Therefore, the presence of fever with sarcoidosis should
                            2017Dermatology and therapy
                            that creates both persisting inflammation and disturbed fluid homeostasis which can occur as a slightly different presentation in dermatomyositis, angioedema, Heerfordt's syndrome and other conditions.
                            .  Furthermore, Case 1 presented with papular sarcoidosis on the back, and Case 3 presented with subcutaneous nodules on the buttock as well as erythema nodosum-like lesions on the lower legs.  All patients had lung sarcoidosis, but ocular sarcoidosis was seen in only Case 2. Case 3 showed Heerfordt syndrome with facial nerve paralysis. Histological features showed that the granular layers were scarcely
                            2016Insights into imaging
                            , neural, skeletal, ocular, and cutaneous manifestations. • T2 signal intensity of hepatosplenic nodules may reflect the disease activity. • Heerfordt's syndrome includes facial nerve palsy, fever, parotid swelling, and uveitis. • In the vertebrae, osteolytic and/or diffuse sclerotic lesions can be found. • Erythema nodosum and lupus pernio represent the most common cutaneous manifestations.
                            not establish the diagnosis. Symptoms of sarcoidosis are not specific and can be markedly different according to organ involvement and disease course. Respiratory symptoms and fatigue are the most common symptoms at any stage of disease. Histological confirmation is not needed for Löfgren's or Heerfordt's syndrome and asymptomatic bihilar lymphadenopathy. The radiological staging system is still based
                            2018FP Notebook
                            to Palliative Care * * Administration * Patient Satisfaction * Documentation 4 * * advertisement * Home * Pulmonology Book * Interstitial Lung Disease Chapter * Sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis Aka: Sarcoidosis, Lupus Pernio, Lofgren's Syndrome, Lofgren Syndrome, Lofgrens syndrome, Heerfordt Syndrome, Uveoparotid Fever Pulmonology Interstitial . Leukopenia (28%) 2. Eosinophilia (34%) 10. Gastrointestinal 1. Pancreas (6%) 2. Stomach or esophagus 11. Parotid Gland (5%, also seen in Sjogren's Syndrome) 1. May be associated with Heerfordt Syndrome 12. Skeletal Muscle (4%, also seen in Polymyositis) 1. Proximal Muscle Weakness 13. Upper airway (3%, also in Wegener's Granulomatosis) 1. Saddle-nose
                            2014eMedicine Pediatrics
                            MD, Thompson B, Frederick M, et al. HLA-DRB1*1101: a significant risk factor for sarcoidosis in blacks and whites. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Oct. 73(4):720-35. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. [Full Text]. 10. Darlington P, Tallstedt L, Padyukov L, et al. HLA-DRB1* alleles and symptoms associated with Heerfordt's syndrome in sarcoidosis. Eur Respir J. 2011 Nov. 38(5):1151-7. [QxMD MEDLINE Link
                            2014eMedicine Surgery
                            Sarcoidosis (Heerfordt syndrome, uveoparotid fever) Osteopetrosis * Adapted from May and Klein
                            inflammatory process in all of the patients. Treatment response was better in patients with a shorter duration of disease. [12] Head, neck, and upper respiratory tract findingsSymptoms involving the head, neck, and upper respiratory tract include the following: * * Dry cough * * Rales * * Tonsillitis, parotitis (Heerfordt syndrome), and epiglottitis that presents as hoarseness, stridor, or cough
                            inflammatory process in all of the patients. Treatment response was better in patients with a shorter duration of disease. [12] Head, neck, and upper respiratory tract findingsSymptoms involving the head, neck, and upper respiratory tract include the following: * * Dry cough * * Rales * * Tonsillitis, parotitis (Heerfordt syndrome), and epiglottitis that presents as hoarseness, stridor, or cough
                            MEDLINE Link]. 8. Byard RW, Manton N, Tsokos M. Sarcoidosis and mechanisms of unexpected death. J Forensic Sci. 2008 Mar. 53(2):460-4. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 9. Petropoulos IK, Zuber JP, Guex-Crosier Y. Heerfordt syndrome with unilateral facial nerve palsy: a rare presentation of sarcoidosis. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2008 May. 225(5):453-6. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 10. Niemer
                            MEDLINE Link]. 8. Byard RW, Manton N, Tsokos M. Sarcoidosis and mechanisms of unexpected death. J Forensic Sci. 2008 Mar. 53(2):460-4. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 9. Petropoulos IK, Zuber JP, Guex-Crosier Y. Heerfordt syndrome with unilateral facial nerve palsy: a rare presentation of sarcoidosis. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2008 May. 225(5):453-6. [QxMD MEDLINE Link]. 10. Niemer