Comparative Efficacy of Levosalbutamol and Racemic Salbutamol in the Treatment of Acute Exacerbation of Asthma. Asthma is a major noncommunicable disease (NCD), affecting both children and adults, and is the most common chronic disease among children. It is common in all ages and the prevalence is increasing in most countries, especially among children as because of urbanization. Multiple therapeutic modalities are available for management of acute asthma. The commonly used formulation is Racemic Salbutamol which contains equal amounts of both R and S isomers. Levosalbutamol contains only R isomer. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of levosalbutamol and racemic salbutamol for the treatment of acute exacerbation of asthma in children (5 to 15 years). A randomized double blind
[Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a combination drug containing ambroxol, guaifenesin, and levosalbutamol versus a fixed-dose combination of bromhexine/guaifenesin/salbutamol in the treatment of productive cough in adult patients with acute bronc To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a combination drug containing ambroxol, guaifenesin, and levosalbutamol, oral solution, versus Ascoril was numerically higher in the study drug group versus the reference drug group. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in the incidence of adverse events. The efficacy of a new combination drug containing ambroxol, guaifenesin, and levosalbutamol in the treatment of productive cough in adult patients with acute bronchitis is superior to the efficacy of Ascoril Expectorant
Comparison of Ipratropium / Levosalbutamol Fixed Dose Combination and Ipratropium and Levosalbutamol Free Dose Combination Nebuliser Solutions in Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients The goal of this clinical trial is to compare the acute bronchodilator effect of the Ipratropium / Levosalbutamol 1.25 mg & 0.5 mg / 2.5 mL fixed dose combination nebuliser solution or Levosalbutamol 1.25 mg / 3 mL nebuliser solution and Ipratropium 500 mcg nebuliser solution in stable moderate-severe-very severe COPD patients. undefined
Comparison of Ipratropium / Levosalbutamol Fixed Dose Combination and Ipratropium and Levosalbutamol Free Dose Combination in pMDI Form in Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients The goal of this clinical trial is to compare the acute bronchodilator effect of pMDI formed Ipratropium / Levosalbutamol 20 mcg / 50 mcg fixed dose combination or pMDI formed Salbutamol 100 mcg
Proof of concept evaluation of trough airway hyper-responsiveness following regular racemic or levosalbutamol in genotype-stratified steroid-treated persistent asthmatics. Asthmatic patients receiving ICSs (inhaled corticosteroids) may take frequent add-on therapy with salbutamol despite on-demand prescription. Frequent salbutamol use can be detrimental in asthma. The isomeric formulation of salbutamol and the B2ADR (β2 adrenoceptor) 16 genotype may also influence this phenomenon. We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, triple crossover, proof of concept trial comparing 2 weeks of regular therapy with inhaled racemic salbutamol [200 μg q.i.d. (four times daily)], levosalbutamol (100 μg q.i.d.) or placebo on trough methacholine PC20 [provocative concentration causing 20
Acute Bronchodilator Effects of Ipratropium/Levosalbutamol 20/50 mcg Fixed Dose Combination vs Salbutamol 100 mcg Inhaler Plus Ipratropium 20 mcg Inhalation Aerosol Free Combination in Patients With Stable COPD The purpose of this study is to compare acute bronchodilator effects of Ipratropium/Levosalbutamol 20/50 mcg Fixed Dose Combination (2 inhalations) via pMDI and Salbutamol 100 mcg Inhaler
medication (i.e. albuterol/salbutamol, levalbuterol/levosalbutamol), other than as a preventive for exercise induced bronchospasm, on ≥ 3 days/week, in at least 1 week during screening nocturnal awakening due to asthma symptoms requiring use of reliever medication at least once during the screening period asthma symptoms on ≥ 3 days/week in at least 1 week during screening c. Asthma diagnosis ≥ 12 controller medication could be switched to a combination of high-dose ICSb and another controller medication. Reliever medication: albuterol/salbutamol or levalbuterol/levosalbutamol In case of asthma deterioration, the ICS dose could be increased up to 4-fold for a maximum of 10 days. Other: antihistamines dermatological, ocular or intranasal corticosteroids (except for high-potency dermatological
Preparation and evaluation of Levosalbutamol sulphate chitosan microsphere for the treatment of asthma Mucoadhesive drug delivery systems are those that provide intimate contact of the drug with the mucosa for an extended period of time. In present work, mucoadhesive chitosan microspheres of Levosalbutamol sulphate were prepared by Spray drying method. Formulations were characterized for various
following measures will be taken:Bradycardia & hypotension: Intravenous atropine 1-2 mg +/- Intravenous glucagon 2.5-5 mg over 3-5 minutes, followed by continuous infusion at the rate of 1-5 mg/hour +/- Adrenaline / Dobutamine infusion as per weight adjusted dose.Bronchospasm: Nebulization with salbutamol/levosalbutamol/Adrenaline +/- intravenous aminophylline.Stopping rule of study:Progression
Racemic salbutamol and levosalbutamol in mild persistent asthma: A comparative study of efficacy and safety. The effect of monotherapy with racemic salbutamol and levosalbutamol on symptoms, quality of life, and pulmonary function has been assessed and compared in mild persistent asthma. A randomized, open, parallel clinical study was conducted on 60 patients of mild persistent asthma. After baseline assessments, salbutamol was prescribed to 30 patients and levosalbutamol to another 30 for 4 weeks. The efficacy variables were change in asthma symptom scoring, pulmonary function test, and Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (MiniAQLQ) scoring. At follow-up, the patients were re-evaluated and analyzed by statistical tools. Shortness of breath (P<0.001), chest tightness (P=0.033), wheeze
Comparison of bronchodilator responses of levosalbutamol and salbutamol given via a pressurized metered dose inhaler: a randomized, double blind, single-dose, crossover study. Salbutamol, the most widely used short-acting beta(2)-agonist, consists of a racemic mixture of equal amounts of two enantiomers, (R)-salbutamol and (S)-salbutamol. The bronchodilator effects of salbutamol are attributed entirely to (R)-salbutamol (levosalbutamol), while (S)-salbutamol has been shown to possess bronchospastic and pro-inflammatory effects both in vitro and in vivo studies. Levosalbutamol, the (R)-enantiomer of salbutamol is currently available only in a liquid formulation for use via a nebulizer. Recently, levosalbutamol to be administered via a pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI) has been developed
Levosalbutamol vs racemic salbutamol in the treatment of acute exacerbation of asthma. To compare efficacy and tolerability of levosalbutamol (Group 1) and racemic salbutamol (Group 2) for the treatment of acute exacerbation of asthma in children age 5 to 18 yr. A randomized double blind clinical study involving 60 children was undertaken between October' 06 to December' 07. The following baseline clinical characteristic were recorded initially and after giving 3 nebulizations at 20 min intervals in the Ist hour of presentation viz respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), oxygen saturation in room air SPO2, PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate), serum K+ level and asthma score. In Group 1 patients (levosalbutamol), there was significant increment in SPO2 and PEFR (P<0.05) values with decrease