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                            2023The Dental Elf
                            Malocclusion and quality of life MenuNO BIAS. NO MISINFORMATION. NO SPIN. JUST WHAT YOU NEED!The Dental ElfHomeAboutCategoriesPodcastsSearchHome » Posts » Dentistry » orthodontics »Malocclusion and quality of lifeNo Responses »JUN162023Posted byDerek RichardsMalocclusion is common and can have a negative effect on oral health. Malocclusion may also have a negative effect on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). While earlier reviews have shown that malocclusion negatively affects OHRQoL more recent reviews have concluded that evidence is lacking for a negative effect.The aim of this review was to update and earlier review by Dimberg et al (Dental Elf – 26th Sep 2014) and assess the effect of malocclusions in adolescents on OHRQoL, when controlled for potential confounders.MethodsA
                            2023UTHSCSA Dental School CAT Library
                            Single-Phase Treatment of Class II Malocclusion Patients During Adolescence Results in More Efficient Treatment and Better Clinical Outcomes (CAT#3541) Skip NavigationUniversity: Home | Calendar | MapsCATs HomeWhat is a CAT?CAT MentorsSearch CATs LibrarySubmit a CATClinical CAT videosEvidence-based Practice ProgramDental School HomeORAL HEALTH EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE PROGRAMView the CAT printer -friendly / share this CATTitle Single-Phase Treatment of Class II Malocclusion Patients During Adolescence Results in More Efficient Treatment and Better Clinical OutcomesClinical Question In children with class II malocclusions, does early two-phase orthodontic treatment produce a better clinical outcome compared to single-phase treatment in late adolescence?Clinical Bottom Line For patients with class
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                            2022UTHSCSA Dental School CAT Library
                            Frankel III Appliance Improves Mandibular Position and Overjet in Class III Malocclusions Skip NavigationUniversity: Home | Calendar | MapsCATs HomeWhat is a CAT?CAT MentorsSearch CATs LibrarySubmit a CATClinical CAT videosEvidence-based Practice ProgramDental School HomeORAL HEALTH EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE PROGRAMView the CAT printer-friendly / share this CATTitle Frankel III Appliance Improves Mandibular Position and Overjet in Class III MalocclusionsClinical Question In patients with class III malocclusions, does the Frankel III (FR-3) appliance improve the dentoalveolar positioning of teeth compared to untreated controls during phase 1 orthodontic treatment?Clinical Bottom Line For patients with Class III malocclusion, the FR-3 appliance provides long term improvement in overjet and mandibular
                            2022The Dental Elf
                            Prevalence of different orthodontic malocclusions Prevalence of different orthodontic malocclusions - National Elf ServiceMenu * * Take your event #BeyondTheRoom * Training * #ElfHelp * Contact us * NewsSearch National Elf Service No bias. No misinformation. No spin. Just what you need! The Dental Elf * Home * About * Categories * Cost effectivenessEvaluation and impact assessmentFinancial » Prevalence of different orthodontic malocclusionsPrevalence of different orthodontic malocclusionsNo Responses »Jul 27 2022Posted byDerek RichardsDental occlusion was defined by Angle in the 1890s and divided into four classes, normal occlusion, Class I, Class II and Class III malocclusion based on the relationship of the upper and lower first molars. Malocclusions may increase the risk of trauma and cause
                            2022UTHSCSA Dental School CAT Library
                            Temporary Anchorage Devices Are More Effective in Preserving Orthodontic Anchorage Than Conventional Anchorage Devices For Treating Class I or II Malocclusion With Dentoalveolar Protrusion Skip NavigationUniversity: Home | Calendar | MapsCATs HomeWhat is a CAT?CAT MentorsSearch CATs LibrarySubmit a CATClinical CAT videosEvidence-based Practice ProgramDental School HomeORAL HEALTH EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE PROGRAMView the CAT printer-friendly / share this CATTitle Temporary Anchorage Devices Are More Effective in Preserving Orthodontic Anchorage Than Conventional Anchorage Devices For Treating Class I or II Malocclusion With Dentoalveolar ProtrusionClinical Question In patients with class I or II malocclusion with dentoalveolar protrusion requiring extraction of maxillary premolars and en-masse
                            2021UTHSCSA Dental School CAT Library
                            Fixed Functional Appliances in Combination with Temporary Anchorage Devices Promote Mandibular Growth in Adolescents with Class II Malocclusion UTCAT3470, Found CAT view, CRITICALLY APPRAISED TOPICs * CATs Home * What is a CAT? * CAT Mentors * Search CATs Library * Submit a CAT * Clinical CAT videos * Evidence-based Practice Program * Dental School HomeSkip NavigationUniversity: Home | Calendar ..
                            2021UTHSCSA Dental School CAT Library
                            Treatment of Class II Malocclusion is Equally Effective with a Fixed Functional Appliance or Removable Appliance UTCAT3467, Found CAT view, CRITICALLY APPRAISED TOPICs * CATs Home * What is a CAT? * CAT Mentors * Search CATs Library * Submit a CAT * Clinical CAT videos * Evidence-based Practice Program * Dental School HomeSkip NavigationUniversity: Home | Calendar | Maps * CATs Home * What ..
                            2024BMC Oral Health
                            Network analysis of three-dimensional hard-soft tissue relationships in the lower 1/3 of the face: skeletal Class I-normodivergent malocclusion versus Class II-hyperdivergent malocclusion. The determining effect of facial hard tissues on soft tissue morphology in orthodontic patients has yet to be explained. The aim of this study was to clarify the hard-soft tissue relationships of the lower 1/3
                            Volumetric and tridimensional root resorption and alveolar bone changes in Class II malocclusion extraction protocol treated with clear aligners and fixed orthodontic appliances: A comparative study. This study aimed to assess the root resorption and alveolar bone changes of maxillary incisors volumetrically and 3-dimensionally in patients with Class II Division 1 malocclusion who underwent vs 2.64 ± 12.31°. Treatments of Class II Division 1 malocclusion with FAs and CAs appeared to cause a statistically significant palatal ABT reduction and maxillary incisors root resorptions, with the FAs treatment causing a more significant effect. Both treatment modalities significantly reduced the ABH, with the greatest reduction found on the lateral incisors' palatal side in the FAs group
                            2025BMC Oral Health
                            The relationship between malocclusion and speech patterns: a cross-sectional study. Dental occlusion and the alignment of the dentition play crucial roles in producing speech sounds. The Arabic language is specifically complex, with many varieties and geographically dependent dialects. This study investigated the relationship between malocclusion and speech abnormalities in the form of misarticulations of Arabic sounds. One hundred native subjects (28.92 ± 12.09 years old) were recruited for this cross-sectional study. The Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) index was used to describe malocclusion pattern. A standard speech sample was recorded for each subject and evaluated by a blinded speech therapist to judge misarticulations and indicate the misarticulation classification. The Jeddah Institute
                            Correlation between condylar repositioning, resorption, and mandibular relapse post-orthognathic surgery with the straight locking miniplate technique in patients with Class II and III malocclusion: a retrospective study. This study investigated the relationship between condylar position, condylar volume, and mandibular relapse following orthognathic surgery in which the proximal segments were temporarily fixed with a positioning device to maintain the condylar position. Computed tomography data (pre-surgery, immediately post-surgery, and 1 year post-surgery) from 12 patients with Class II malocclusion and 20 with Class III were analysed. Condylar volume was significantly lower in Class II patients than in Class III patients at all time-points (P < 0.001), and only Class II patients showed
                            2025BMC Oral Health
                            Prevalence of orthodontic malocclusion in children aged 10-12: an epidemiological study. Global studies have reported varying malocclusion prevalence, highlighting its dependence on age, gender, and population characteristics. This study aims to determine the prevalence of malocclusion in randomly selected public school children and to identify the most common type of malocclusion in this population. This study is a cross-sectional study covering school-age children in Bolu, Turkey A total of 1144 students (591 females, 553 males) aged 10-12 participated in this study. Orthodontic anomalies such as anterior and posterior crossbite, overjet, overbite, open bite, deep bite, midline diastema, presence of wedge lateral teeth, crowding, presence of diastema, Angle malocclusion classification
                            Comparative analysis of root resorption and alveolar remodeling in maxillary incisors during orthodontic-orthognathic surgical treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion. This retrospective clinical study investigated root length and periodontal changes around maxillary incisors in patients with Class III skeletal malocclusion treated with fixed appliances (FAs) and clear aligners (CAs
                            2025BMC Oral Health
                            Alveolar bone dehiscence in anterior teeth after orthodontic camouflage treatment for severe skeletal Class II malocclusion with a history of condylar resorption at the 3-year follow-up: a case report. This case report describes orthodontic treatment of an adult female with severe skeletal Class II malocclusion on a Class II skeletal base complicated by deficient chin, condylar resorption
                            2025Scientific reports
                            Dentoskeletal effects of aesthetic and conventional twin block appliances in the treatment of skeletal class II malocclusion: a randomized controlled trial. Twin block appliances are commonly used to treat skeletal class II malocclusion. However, many adverse effects, such as lower incisor protrusion and a bulky nature, can be observed. To overcome these effects, a modified twin block of Orthodontics, University of Damascus, Syria. Fifty-two patients (33 females and 19 males) aged 12.23 ± 0.77 years with skeletal class II division 1 malocclusion caused by mandibular retrognathism were included. The participants were randomly assigned to a study group according to a simple randomization method using a numbered and sealed envelope. The experimental group was treated with an aesthetic twin
                            Comparative Effects of Facemask Therapy and Anteroposterior TransForce Appliance in Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate (UCLP) Patients With Developing Class III Malocclusion: A Single-Center Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial. To comparatively evaluate the effects of Sagittal TransForce appliance and Tooth borne Facemask appliance in Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate patients. Single-center
                            2023PLoS ONE
                            Synonymous alterations of cancer-associated Trp53 CpG mutational hotspots cause fatal developmental jaw malocclusions but no tumors in knock-in mice. Intragenic CpG dinucleotides are tightly conserved in evolution yet are also vulnerable to methylation-dependent mutation, raising the question as to why these functionally critical sites have not been deselected by more stable coding sequences. We uniquely prone to dental anomalies causing jaw malocclusion (p < .0001). Since the latter phenotype also characterises murine Rett syndrome due to dysfunction of the trans-repressive MeCP2 methyl-CpG-binding protein, we hypothesise that CpG sites may exert non-coding phenotypic effects via pre-translational cis-interactions of 5-methylcytosine with methyl-binding proteins which regulate mRNA transcript
                            2023PLoS ONE
                            Characterization of labiomandibular movements induced after isolated LeFort I osteotomy in the surgical management of class III malocclusion. Maxillary surgery alone can be proposed for the surgical management of class III malocclusion, but anticipating outcomes for the labiomental muscle complex is challenging due to the mandibular autorotation phenomenon. The objective of this study was to quantify the mandibular and labiomental movements induced by maxillary osteotomy alone in the management of class III malocclusion according to different clinical and surgical variables. The post-operative changes in mandibular and labiomental shapes were studied by geometric morphometry from the pre- and post-operative lateral cephalometric radiograph of 25 patients. The explanatory variables tested
                            2023PLoS ONE
                            A study of transverse maxillomandibular discrepancy and dental compensation in early mixed dentition with skeletal Class III malocclusion without posterior crossbite. To evaluate transverse maxillomandibular discrepancy and dental compensation in first molar areas in 7- to 9-year-old children with skeletal Class III malocclusion without posterior crossbite using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The sample of this retrospective study consisted of 60 children (7 to 9 years old), who were divided into the skeletal Class III malocclusion group (study group, skeletal Class III malocclusion without posterior crossbite, N = 31) and the Class I occlusion group (control group, Class I occlusion with one or two impacted teeth, N = 30). CBCT data were obtained from the database
                            Analysis of the Effect of Maxillary Expansion Combined with Twin-block Appliances on Malocclusion and Related Factors of Upper Airway Sagittal Diameter Changes. To comparatively analyze the therapeutic effect of maxillary expansion combined with twin-block appliances (TBA) versus adenotonsillectomy (ATE) in the treatment of children with upper airway stenosis (UAS) complicated by malocclusion