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                            Mycophenolic acid and pregnancy: genotoxicity, malformations, spontaneous abortions Prescrire IN ENGLISH - Spotlight ''Mycophenolic acid and pregnancy: genotoxicity, malformations, spontaneous abortions'', 1 September 2022 {1}##LOC[OK]## {1} ##LOC[OK]## ##LOC[Cancel]## {1}##LOC[OK]####LOC[Cancel]## Register online| Log in| My Prescrire Issue contents * Current issue * Last 12 issues * All * Subscribe now * Solidarity Subscription Rate * Subscribers: register online * Prescrire's other products * Free Special Edition * Sign up to receive the newsletter english.prescrire.org > Spotlight > 100 most recent > Mycophenolic acid and pregnancy: genotoxicity, malformations, spontaneous abortions SpotlightEvery month, the subjects in Prescrire’s Spotlight. 100 most recent: 1|10|20|30|40|50
                            2024Human Reproduction
                            An immune window of opportunity to prevent spontaneous abortion: prepregnancy peripheral leukocytes and subsets were associated with a decreased risk of spontaneous abortion. Do prepregnancy peripheral leukocytes (PPLs) and their subsets influence the risk of spontaneous abortion (SAB)? PPLs and their subsets are associated with the risk of SAB. Compelling studies have revealed the crucial role
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                            2024Journal of Affective Disorders
                            Common mental disorders and risk of spontaneous abortion or recurrent spontaneous abortion: A two-sample Mendelian randomization study. The direct causal relationships between common mental disorders (anxiety disorders, broad depression, major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder, and insomnia) and miscarriage or recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) are unclear. Therefore, this study pleiotropy of the IVs was assessed using MR-Egger and MR-PRESSO. Based on IVW results, the four mental disorders were found to be causally associated with spontaneous abortion (anxiety disorder: OR (95%CI), 1.230 (1.063-1.420), P = 0.0050; major depressive disorder: 1.690 (1.239-2.307), P = 0.0009; bipolar disorder: 1.110 (1.052-1.170), P = 0.0001; insomnia: 1.292 (1.076-1.552), P = 0.0060). Furthermore
                            2025PLoS ONE
                            The alteration of uterine microbiota participated in the activation of the decidual inflammatory response in early spontaneous abortion. Early spontaneous abortion (ESA) is one of the most common clinically recognized pregnancy complications. While multiple factors such as embryo abnormalities and maternal conditions may contribute to ESA, early identification and screening of maternal risk
                            2025Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi
                            [Exploration of CCL11 and sTNFR2 as potential biomarkers for the efficacy of lymphocyte immunotherapy in women with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion]. To explore biomarkers for the efficacy of lymphocyte immunotherapy (LIT) treating women with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion (URSA). Serum samples from 24 URSA potients who received LIT were collected at Peking University
                            A time-to-event analysis of the association between ambient air pollution and risk of spontaneous abortion using vital records in the U.S. state of Georgia (2005-2014). We examined the association between ambient air pollution exposure and risk of spontaneous abortion (SAB) using Georgia state-wide fetal death records from 2005-2014. Each SAB case was matched to four non-SAB pregnancies
                            2025BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
                            Antibiotic susceptibility and risk factors for listeriosis in women with spontaneous abortion in Ugandan tertiary hospitals: a cross-sectional study. Listeriosis, caused by Listeria monocytogenes, poses significant health risks globally, particularly among pregnant women. Despite its established impact in other regions, its prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility patterns in Uganda, especially among women experiencing spontaneous abortion, remain understudied. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the prevalence, antibiotic susceptibility, and associated risk factors of listeriosis among women admitted with spontaneous abortion in Ugandan tertiary hospitals. A total of 384 women from Jinja and Kayunga Regional Referral Hospitals were included. Data on socio-demographic
                            2025BMC Women's Health
                            Cranial venous sinus thrombosis following early spontaneous abortion: a case report and literature review. Pregnancy/puerperium cranial venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is rare, mainly occurring in perinatal/late pregnancy, and less frequently in early pregnancy. None has been reported after early spontaneous abortion. This study reports a case of CVST following early pregnancy spontaneous magnetic resonance venography scan demonstrated successful recanalization of the intracranial venous sinuses, accompanied by a notable decrease in D-dimer levels upon reassessment. For young patients with early pregnancy bleeding, comprehensive coagulation function and D-dimer tests could be conducted. Even after a spontaneous abortion, if the patient presents with symptoms such as headache, vomiting
                            2023National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - Clinical Guidelines
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                            Narrative based
                            Evidence based
                            Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage: diagnosis and initial management Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage: diagnosis and initial management NICE guideline Published: 17 April 2019 www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng126 © NICE 2021. All rights reserved. Subject to Notice of rights (https://www.nice.org.uk/terms-and-conditions#notice-of-rights). Last updated 24 November 2021Your responsibility Your a responsibility to promote an environmentally sustainable health and care system and should assess and reduce the environmental impact of implementing NICE recommendations wherever possible. Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage: diagnosis and initial management (NG126)© NICE 2021. All rights reserved. Subject to Notice of rights (https://www.nice.org.uk/terms-and-conditions#notice-of-rights). Last updated 24
                            2021NIHR HTA programme
                            Review Analysis
                            Appears Promising
                            Mifepristone and misoprostol versus placebo and misoprostol for resolution of miscarriage in women diagnosed with missed miscarriage: the MifeMiso RCT Mifepristone and misoprostol versus placebo and misoprostol for resolution of miscarriage in women diagnosed with missed miscarriage: the MifeMiso RCT * Text only * * Home * Journals * * Other NIHR research * * For authors * For reviewers for resolution of missed miscarriage within 7 days by medical management. {{author}}{{author}}{{($index < metadata.AuthorsAndEtalArray.length-1) ? ',' : '.'}} Adam Devall, Justin Chu, Leanne Beeson, Pollyanna Hardy, Versha Cheed, Yongzhong Sun, Tracy Roberts, Chidubem Okeke Ogwulu, Eleanor Williams, Laura Jones, Jenny La Fontaine Papadopoulos, Ruth Bender-Atik, Jane Brewin, Kim Hinshaw, Meenakshi Choudhary
                            Operative Hysteroscopy vs Vacuum Aspiration for Incomplete Spontaneous Abortion: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Vacuum aspiration is commonly used to remove retained products of conception in patients with incomplete spontaneous abortion. Scarring of the uterine cavity may occur, potentially impairing future fertility. A procedural alternative, operative hysteroscopy, has gained popularity with a presumption of better future fertility. To assess the superiority of hysteroscopy to vacuum aspiration for subsequent pregnancy in patients with incomplete spontaneous abortion who intend to have future pregnancy. The HY-PER randomized, controlled, single-blind trial included 574 patients between November 6, 2014, and May 3, 2017, with a 2-year duration of follow-up. This multicenter trial recruited
                            2023PLoS ONE
                            Untargeted metabolomics analysis reveals the metabolic disturbances and exacerbation of oxidative stress in recurrent spontaneous abortion. Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) is characterized by the occurrence of two or more consecutive spontaneous abortions, with a rising prevalence among pregnant women and significant implications for their physical and mental well-being. The multifaceted
                            HLA-G isoforms, HLA-C allotype and their expressions differ between early abortus and placenta in relation to spontaneous abortions. Spontaneous abortion (SAB) affects approximately 10% of clinically recognized pregnancies. Fetal trophobalst invasion and remodeling of maternal spiral arteries is reported to be dependent on crosstalk between HLA-C/HLA-G expressed on extra villous trophoblast (EVTs)and Killer cell Immunoglobin like receptors (KIRs) of decidual NK (dNK). Immune dysfunction in decidua contributes to early miscarriage. The study used mother neonate paired cord blood and term placenta samples (n = 46), elective abortus (n = 17,gestational age = 10-12 weeks of pregnancy) and SAB abortus (n = 24, gestational age = 12-15 weeks of pregnancy) for HLA-G, KIR2D and HLA-C. In addition
                            2024BMC Public Health
                            Associations between 25 hydroxyvitamin D concentration and spontaneous abortion. Spontaneous abortion is a common complication of pregnancy that can lead to adverse physical and psychological outcomes for women. Vitamin D is reported to be associated with reproductive functions, whereas its casual effects on abortion remains unclear. In this study, a two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR ) analysis was performed to systematically assess the causal relationships between serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentration and the risk of spontaneous abortion. GWAS summary data of 25(OH)D were used as exposure, and data of spontaneous abortion was considered as outcome. A retrospective study was additionally conducted to verify the MR results. MR estimates showed that a higher 25(OH)D level
                            2024Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi
                            [Study of plasma metabolic markers in unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion based on non-target metabolomics approach]. To screen plasma metabolic markers in patients with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion (URSA) by non-target metabolomics approach. From September 2022 to May 2023, the plasma of 23 URSA pregnant women with threatened abortion who visited the outpatient clinic
                            Decidual stromal cell-derived exosomes deliver miR-22-5p_R-1 to suppress trophoblast metabolic switching from mitochondrial respiration to glycolysis by targeting PDK4 in unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion. Studies have shown that EMT (epithelial-mesenchymal transition) and energy metabolism influence each other, and it is unclear whether the trophoblast energy metabolism phenotype
                            2024JAMA network open
                            Interpregnancy Interval After Healthy Live Birth and Subsequent Spontaneous Abortion. Many studies have reported that the interpregnancy interval (IPI) is a potential modifiable risk factor for adverse perinatal outcomes. However, the association between IPI after live birth and subsequent spontaneous abortion (SA) is unclear. To investigate the association of IPI after a healthy live birth
                            TNFSF14(+) natural killer cells prevent spontaneous abortion by restricting leucine-mediated decidual stromal cell senescence. In preparation for a potential pregnancy, the endometrium of the uterus changes into a temporary structure called the decidua. Senescent decidual stromal cells (DSCs) are enriched in the decidua during decidualization, but the underlying mechanisms of this process remain excessive uterine senescence, SLC3A2-mediated BCAA intake, and insufficient TNFRSF14 expression in the decidua of patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion. In summary, this study suggests that dNK cells maintain senescence homeostasis of DSCs via TNFSF14/TNFRSF14, providing a potential therapeutic strategy to prevent DSC senescence-associated spontaneous abortion.
                            Development and validation of claims-based algorithms for estimating gestational age of spontaneous abortion and termination. To study the risk of spontaneous abortion (SAB) or termination using healthcare utilization databases, algorithms to estimate the gestational age (GA) are needed. Using Medicaid data, we developed a hierarchical algorithm to classify pregnancy outcomes. We identified
                            2024BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
                            Analysis of gene expression difference and biological process in chorionic villi of unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion. To explore the biological relationship between the regulatory signal pathways involved in differentially expressed genes and recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) by analyzing the gene expression microarray data of unexplained RSA. The gene expression profile data
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