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                            2025Clinical Trials
                            Intranasal Nafarelin For Triggering Oocyte Maturation This is a non-inferiority randomised, controlled clinical trial comparing subcutaneous triptorelin to intranasal nafarelin for the final maturation of oocytes in oocyte donors undergoing ovarian stimulation. Oocyte donors meeting the inclusion criteria will be randomised to receive triggering for final oocyte maturation with 200 micrograms of subcutaneous triptorelin (control group) or 800 micrograms of intranasal nafarelin (experimental group). The primary outcome is the number of mature (metaphase 2 (MII)) oocytes collected. The study has been designed with a non-inferiority limit of a difference of 2 mature oocytes, with 80% power and one-sided alpha of 0.05.
                            2025Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare (IQWiG)
                            Review Analysis
                            Appears Promising
                            are candidates for treatment with dienogest b Dienogestc 2 Symptomatic treatment of adult women of reproductive age with endometriosis who have already been treated with medication or surgery and who are no (longer) candidates for treatment with dienogestb GnRH analogues (goserelin or buserelin or leuprorelin or triptorelin or nafarelin)c a. Presented is the respective ACT specified by the G-BA. b with dienogest b Dienogestc Added benefit not proven 2 Symptomatic treatment of adult women of reproductive age with endometriosis who have already been treated with medication or surgery and who are no (longer) candidates for treatment with dienogestb GnRH analogues (goserelin or buserelin or leuprorelin or triptorelin or nafarelin)c Added benefit not proven a. Presented is the respective ACT specified
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                            2022PDQ Cancer Information
                            deficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 75 (4): 1022-6, 1992. [PUBMED Abstract]Isaacs JT: Hormonal balance and the risk of prostatic cancer. J Cell Biochem Suppl 16H: 107-8, 1992. [PUBMED Abstract]Peters CA, Walsh PC: The effect of nafarelin acetate, a luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone agonist, on benign prostatic hyperplasia. N Engl J Med 317 (10): 599-604, 1987. [PUBMED Abstract]Kyprianou N, Isaacs JT
                            2020Medscape Pediatrics
                            for Precocious Puberty * Texas Demands Drug Companies Turn Over Documents on 'Puberty Blocking' Drugs for Children Tools * Drug Interaction Checker * Pill Identifier * Calculators * FormularyRecommended * 2002924002-overviewDiseases & Conditions Diseases & Conditions Precocious Puberty * 2010synarel-nafarelin-342759Drugs Drugs nafarelin * 2001/viewarticle/967270Journal Article Journal Article
                            2016Fertility and Sterility
                            . Private fertility clinic. Forty-six high-responder patients were administered a GnRHa ovulation trigger to avoid ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), followed by 2 weeks of daily intranasal GnRHa (nafarelin) for luteal-phase support. No additional progesterone supplementation was administrated. Intranasal GnRHa for luteal-phase support. The primary outcome was ongoing clinical pregnancy rate. High
                            2018FP Notebook
                            3. Diabetes Mellitus 4. Neurologic Disorder 1. Diabetic Neuropathy 2. Spinal cord injury 3. Pituitary tumor 5. Iatrogenic causes 1. Chemotherapy 2. Pelvic radiation 6. Medications 1. Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Agonist (e.g. Nafarelin Acetate, Synarel) 2. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (e.g
                            2018FP Notebook
                            -regulation 3. Agents: Used for 6 months as initial course 1. Leuprolide (Lupron) 1. Dose: 3.75 mg injected every 4 weeks 2. Goserelin (Zoladex) 1. Implanted 3.6 mg SubQ for 6 months or 3. Nafarelin (Synarel) 1. Dose: 200 mcg intranasal twice daily for 6 month 4. Buserelin 5
                            2018FP Notebook
                            normal 4. Management 1. Counseling and reassurance 2. Consider GnRH analog to suppress FSH and LH 1. Leuprolide (Lupron) long acting injectable 2. Nafarelin (Synarel) short acting intranasal XII. Evaluation: Step 2b - Normal Variation in Step 1 1. Findings 1. Early, but normal Puberty 2. Bone Age consistent with Chronological age
                            2018FP Notebook
                            to Palliative Care * * Administration * Patient Satisfaction * Documentation 4 * * advertisement * Home * Gynecology Book * Pharmacology Chapter * Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Agonist Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Agonist Aka: Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Agonist, GnRH agonist, Nafarelin Acetate, Synarel Gynecology Pharmacology Contents * Page Contents... * Indication * Pathophysiology * Dosing: Nafarelin Acetate (Synarel) * Efficacy * Adverse effects * Extra: Related Bing Images * Extra: Related Studies * Extra: UMLS Ontology * Extra: Navigation Tree advertisement II. Indication 1. Endometriosis III. Pathophysiology 1. Potentiates Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone (GnRH) 2. Results in hypoestrogenism
                            2018FP Notebook
                            expensive: $500 per month) 1. Leuprolide (Depo Lupron) 3.75 mg IM monthly or 2. Leuprolide (Depo Lupron) 11.25 mg IM q3 months or 3. Goserelin (Zoladex) 3.6 mg SQ qMonth or 4. Goserelin (Zoladex) 10.8 mg SQ q3 months or 5. Nafarelin (Synarel) 200 to 400 mcg intranasal bid 2. Concurrently add back Estrogen Replacement 1. Indicated if GnRH agonist
                            and diabetes. [16] GnRH agonists approved in the United States include leuprolide (Eligard, Lupron, Viadur), nafarelin (Synarel), triptorelin (Trelstar), histrelin (Vantas), and goserelin (Zoladex). Nafarelin is approved only for the management of endometriosis; all others are approved for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.Previous Next: Selection of Candidates for NADTHigh-risk patients (ie, those
                            warnings describing the increased risk for heart disease and diabetes. [30] The following GnRH agonists are approved in the United States: * * Leuprolide (Eligard, Lupron, Viadur) * * Nafarelin (Synarel) * * Triptorelin (Trelstar) * * Histrelin (Vantas) * * Goserelin (Zoladex). Intermittent androgen therapyIntermittent androgen suppression is a well-established treatment offered to patients