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                            2024PLoS ONE
                            Static palpation ain't easy: Evaluating palpation precision using a topographical map of the lumbar spine as a reference. Clinicians commonly use manual therapy to treat low back pain by palpating the spine to identify the spinous processes. This study aims to evaluate the ability of experienced clinicians to consistently locate the spinous processes from S1 to T12 through palpation. The results will be compared to topographical data representing the lumbar lordosis at baseline and four follow-up time points. In a prior prospective randomized trial, experienced clinicians used palpation to locate the lumbar spinous processes (S1-T12) and then digitized these locations in three-dimensional space. The same digitizing equipment was then used to continuously collect three-dimensional position data
                            2024PLoS ONE
                            Intra- and inter-operator reliability of measuring compressive stiffness of the patellar tendon in volleyball players using a handheld digital palpation device. This observational study aimed to evaluate the intra- and inter-operator reliability of a digital palpation device in measuring compressive stiffness of the patellar tendon at different knee angles in talent and elite volleyball players
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                            The influence of body painting on L4 spinous process palpation accuracy in novice palpators. Current literature remains inconclusive regarding the best methodology to accurately palpate lumbar spinous processes (SP). Body painting (BP) uses markers to draw anatomical structures on the skin's surface. While BP can be a useful tool for engaging learners, it is unknown whether it improves palpation accuracy. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the addition of body painting to palpation education improves lumbar spinous process palpation accuracy in first-year Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) students. Thirty-eight DPT students were randomized into a traditional palpation group and a body painting (BP) group. Each group received identical instruction on palpating the lumbar spine
                            Ultrasonography versus palpation for spinal anesthesia in obese parturients undergoing cesarean delivery: a randomized controlled trial Ultrasonography may facilitate neuraxial blocks in obstetrics. This randomized controlled trial aimed to compare preprocedural ultrasonography with landmark palpation for spinal anesthesia in obese parturients undergoing cesarean delivery. 280 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status II-III parturients with body mass index ≥35 kg/m, full-term singleton pregnancy, undergoing elective cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia, were randomly assigned to two equal groups (ultrasonography and palpation); preprocedural systematic ultrasound approach and conventional landmark palpation were performed, respectively. Patients and outcome assessors were blinded
                            Does Osteopathic Heart-Focused Palpation Modify Heart Rate Variability in Stressed Participants with Musculoskeletal Pain? A Randomised Controlled Pilot Study. Heart rate variability (HRV) describes fluctuations in time intervals between heartbeats and reflects autonomic activity. HRV is reduced in stressed patients with musculoskeletal pain and improved after osteopathic manipulative treatment and mind-body interventions. Heart-focused palpation (HFP) combines manual and mind-body approaches to facilitate relaxation. This randomised controlled pilot study investigated the feasibility and sample size for a future randomised controlled trial and the effect of a single treatment with HFP or sham HFP (SHAM) on short-term HRV. A total of Thirty-three adults (47.7 ± 13.5 years old) with stress
                            2024Anesthesia and Analgesia
                            Palpation Versus Ultrasonography for Identifying the Cricothyroid Membrane in Case of a Laterally Deviated Larynx: A Randomized Trial. Large neck circumference and displacement of the trachea due to pathology increase the risk of failed identification of the cricothyroid membrane and cricothyroidotomy. We investigated whether ultrasound aids in the successful identification of the cricothyroid membrane in a model of an obese neck with midline deviation of the trachea. We developed silicone neck models that were suitable for both palpation and ultrasonography and where the trachea deviated laterally from the midline to either side. After reading a book chapter and participating in a 25-minute lecture and a 15- to 23-minute hands-on demonstration and rehearsal of ultrasonography
                            2024Academic Medicine
                            Sensor-Based Discovery of Search and Palpation Modes in the Clinical Breast Examination. Successful implementation of precision education systems requires widespread adoption and seamless integration of new technologies with unique data streams that facilitate real-time performance feedback. This paper explores the use of sensor technology to quantify hands-on clinical skills. The goal is to shorten the learning curve through objective and actionable feedback. A sensor-enabled clinical breast examination (CBE) simulator was used to capture force and video data from practicing clinicians (N = 152). Force-by-time markers from the sensor data and a machine learning algorithm were used to parse physicians' CBE performance into periods of search and palpation and then these were used
                            2024Journal of oral rehabilitation
                            Reliability of an intraoral extension for intraoral palpation and assessment of mechanical sensitivity of the temporal tendon. The temporal tendon is a structure often compromised in patients suffering from temporomandibular disorders (TMD), yet its intraoral location makes a standardised assessment difficult. To evaluate the variability and accuracy to target force of a newly designed intraoral extension for a palpometer device (Palpeter, Sunstar Suisse) when compared to manual palpation, in addition to clinically assessing the mechanical sensitivity and referred sensations of the temporal tendon in healthy individuals. Experiment 1: 12 individuals were asked to target on a scale 0.5, 1 and 2 kg, for 2 and 5 s by using five different methods (Palpeter, Palpeter with three different extension
                            Ultrasound versus palpation-guided corticosteroid injection for de Quervain disease: A randomized controlled trial. Corticosteroid injection effectively treats de Quervain disease, and due to the high prevalence of the intracompartmental septum in the first extensor compartment, ultrasound guidance improves injection accuracy. To compare the effectiveness, adverse events, and the recurrence rate between ultrasound-guided and palpation-guided injection in patients with de Quervain disease. Prospective, single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Rehabilitation department of a private teaching hospital. We enrolled 49 patients, ≥20 years of age, clinically diagnosed with de Quervain disease based on their medical history and physical examination. Patients were randomized into two groups
                            Comparison of Pressure Control Ventilation and Palpation Methods to Protect the Endotracheal Tube Cuff During Tracheotomy: A Manikin Simulation Study. Objective This study aims to evaluate and compare the suitability and safety of palpation and pressure control ventilation (PCV) methods for the accurate positioning of an endotracheal tube (ETT) cuff. Methods We conducted a pilot simulation randomized crossover study using a medical manikin. Twenty junior resident physicians who had completed anesthesiology training participated in the study. Airway management was performed using a modified manikin designed to simulate palpation and PCV methods. Participants performed both methods in a randomized order. The primary outcome was the number of successful ETT placements. The secondary outcomes
                            2024Australian Critical Care
                            Comparing arterial catheterisation by palpation or ultrasound guidance by novice nurses in an adult intensive care unit: A prospective cohort study. Arterial catheterisation is a common procedure in intensive care units (ICUs), typically performed using the palpation technique. Ultrasound (US)-guided catheterisation remains underutilised, particularly when performed by nonphysician operators and complications associated with two catheterisation techniques used by critical care nurses: palpation (PP) and US-guided. Nurses inexperienced with the US technique completed a brief training program consisting of two 3-h workshops followed by supervised clinical practice before performing the procedure. Collected data included the first-attempt success rate (primary endpoint), overall success rate, procedure
                            2022Scientific reports
                            Randomised controlled trial for evaluation of an ultrasound-guided palpation intervention for palpation skill training. Although there are increasing reports on the usefulness of sonopalpation with ultrasound imaging, many previous studies have reported interventions without a control group. This single-blind, parallel-group randomised controlled trial aimed to determine whether educational on the shoulder joint. Participants underwent a scoring assessment of their palpation skills at pre-intervention, post-intervention, and follow-up 3 months after training. The raters were blinded to the subjects' group. The Friedman and Mann-Whitney U tests were used for data analysis. The intervention group showed a significant increase in scores at post-intervention and the 3-month follow-up; the effect sizes
                            Prophylactic Central Neck Dissection Based on Preoperative Imaging and Intraoperative Surgeon's Palpation versus Total Thyroidectomy Alone for Papillary Thyroid Cancer. To compare the overall morbidity and recurrence of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) after total thyroidectomy (TT) with or without prophylactic central compartment neck dissection (CCND) in cases of both preoperative and intraoperative nonsuspicious central lymph nodes (CLNs). A total of 570 PTC patients who harbored no preoperative and intraoperative suspicious CLNs at two institutions were enrolled. They were randomly assigned to TT alone or TT with prophylactic CCND (pCCND) after intraoperative assessment of CLNs during the surgery. Lymph nodes that were hard or large enough to be palpated were regarded as suspicious
                            2023Cirugia y cirujanos
                            Comparison of ultrasound guidance and palpation technique for femoral artery catheterization in children undergoing cardiac surgery. The aim of this study was compare the palpation technique and ultrasound-guidance for femoral artery catheterization in pediatric patients undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease. This prospective and randomized controlled study included American Society of Anesthesiologists III-IV 40 children who underwent congenital heart surgery. The patients were divided into two groups; ultrasound-guided catheterization group and palpation-guided catheterization group. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients, access time, success rate, number of attempts, first-attempt success, number of trials, and failed cannulations were recorded. The diameter of the femoral
                            Use of tongue base palpation among oral healthcare providers: Cross-sectional survey. To assess the use of tongue base palpation during cancer screening exams by Oral Healthcare Providers (OHPs) and explore attitudes about (1) the usefulness of oral cancer screening (OCS) in detecting early, asymptomatic lesions and (2) routine OCS of the general population. Survey study. Private and hospital established at P < .050. One hundred seventy-one responses were analyzed (response rate 17 %). Tongue base palpation was performed as part of a routine cancer screening exam by 55 % of otolaryngologists, 34 % of dentists and 29 % of OMFS (P = .030). Providers who palpated the tongue base were also more likely to use palpation as an exam technique in the tonsils (r = 0.52 [95 % CI 0.40-0.62]; P < .001) among
                            2023The journal of vascular access
                            Comparison of ultrasound-guided femoral artery cannulation versus palpation technique in neonates undergoing cardiac surgery. Palpation technique for femoral artery cannulation can be very difficult, especially in neonates. In this study, we evaluated whether ultrasound-guided cannulation of the femoral artery is superior to palpation technique in neonates undergoing cardiac surgery. Forty neonates undergoing cardiac surgery were prospectively randomized into two groups (Ultrasound group and Palpation group). Access time, number of attempts, number of successful cannulations on first attempt, success rate, number of cannulas used, inadvertent access, and complications were compared between the two groups. Cost analyses of the cannulation were performed in two groups. In the ultrasound
                            Comparative Accuracy and Complications of Palpation-Guided Versus Ultrasound-Guided Core Needle Biopsy of Palpable Breast Lumps in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria. Breast lumps are a common complaint by women. Palpable breast lumps are accessible to core needle biopsy (CNB) with the aim of obtaining tissue for histologic diagnosis. CNB is achievable either by palpation guidance or image guidance. The superiority of either technique in returning an accurate diagnosis has not been demonstrated in our centre. This study aimed to compare the diagnostic accuracy and complications of palpation-guided versus ultrasound-guided CNB techniques in palpable breast lumps. This was a randomised, controlled, comparative study. Consenting patients were randomised into either a palpation-guided
                            2023Medicina intensiva
                            Arterial cannulation in adult critical care patients: A comparative study between ultrasound guidance and palpation technique. To compare first attempt success rate for ultrasound-guided (USG) versus direct palpation (DP) for radial, femoral, and dorsalis pedis artery cannulations in adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Prospective randomized clinical trial. Mixed adult ICU of a University Hospital. Adult patients (≥18 years) admitted to the ICU requiring invasive arterial pressure monitoring were included. Exclusion criteria were patients with a pre-existing arterial line and cannulated with other than a 20-gauge cannula for radial and dorsalis pedis artery. Comparison of arterial cannulation by USG versus palpation technique in radial, femoral and dorsalis pedis arteries. Primary outcome
                            Assessment of the bearing-down manoeuvre in pregnancy and detection of paradoxical levator ani muscle contraction using 2D transperineal ultrasound and vaginal palpation: a concurrent validity and inter-rater reliability study. To examine the concurrent validity and inter-rater reliability of vaginal palpation as a measure of the quality of the bearing-down manoeuvre (BDM) and the detection as LAM shortening, an APD that moved by 0-2 mm was described as no change and an APD that lengthened by >2 mm was described as LAM lengthening. Vaginal palpation described the LAM during the BDM as no movement, shortening or lengthening. Participants were allowed two attempts and the best attempt was measured. APD using TPUS and the assessor's subjective description of LAM during the BDM using vaginal
                            2023The journal of vascular access
                            Comparison of ultrasound-guided dynamic needle tip positioning and acoustic shadowing technique with palpation technique for radial arterial cannulation by experienced clinicians: A randomized controlled trial. Radial artery cannulation is usually done for monitoring invasive blood pressure during intraoperative period. The dynamic needle tip positioning approach allows continuous visualization of the needle tip during ultrasound-guided cannulation. The acoustic shadowing technique, using two lines on the ultrasound probe, might be used to facilitate radial artery puncture. We aimed to compare these two ultrasound-guided techniques of radial artery cannulation with the traditional palpation method in adult patients. In this trial, 180 adult patients requiring arterial cannulation were randomized