Metabolism of RCS-8, a synthetic cannabinoid with cyclohexyl structure, in human hepatocytes by high-resolution MS Since 2008, synthetic cannabinoids are major new designer drugs of abuse. They are extensively metabolized and excreted in urine, but limited human metabolism data are available. As there are no reports on the metabolism of RCS-8, a scheduled phenylacetylindole synthetic cannabinoid with an N-cyclohexylethyl moiety, we investigated metabolism of this new designer drug by human hepatocytes and high resolution MS. After human hepatocyte incubation with RCS-8, samples were analyzed on a TripleTOF 5600+ mass spectrometer with time-of-flight survey scan and information-dependent acquisition triggered product ion scans. Data mining of the accurate mass full scan and product ion spectra
), this was no longer a source of discussion anymore in July 2021. SARS-CoV-2 testing has become ubiquitous and part of usual clinical care. The old RC 7 was considered redundant by the task force and therefore removed. **Old RC8: If a patient with RMD and symptoms of COVID-19 is chronically treated with glucocorticoids, this treatment should be continued.** **New RC 4: If a patient with RMD receiving long-term glucocorticoid treatment develops suspected or confirmed COVID-19, this treatment should be continued.** In spite of several studies pointing to an association between glucocorticoid use and worse COVID-19 prognosis, extensively outlined in the SLR,4 old RC8 (renumbered as new RC 4) has stood the test of time. After studying the results of the SLR, the task force came to the conclusion that the observed
for the proposed product. Secondary pharmacodynamic studies The in vivo pharmacologic effects of siltuximab were studied in mice bearing hIL-6-producing tumours. Neutralization of IL-6 by a single dose of mCNTO 328 reduced tumour growth by approximately 50% in the RC-8 model (Weissglas et al, 1997). In a second study, weekly intraperitoneal (IP) administration of mCNTO 328 caused regression of established human
in terms of biofilm removal, antimicrobial action, and the remission of denture stomatitis. Fifty denture wearers with denture stomatitis were instructed to brush their dentures (brush and soap) and to soak them (20 minutes/14 days) in 4 solutions, as follows: C (control), 0.85% saline; SH1, 0.1% sodium hypochlorite; SH2, 0.2% sodium hypochlorite; and RC, 8% Ricinus communis. The biofilm in the intaglio
radical cystectomy (RC). A prospective multisite phase II trial was conducted. Key eligibility criteria included: resectable miUCB (T2-T4a, N0, M0), and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 to 1. Patients received oral Neo-D 100mg once daily for 28±7 days followed by RC8 to 24 hours after the last dose. The primary end point was feasibility, defined as≥60% of patients with miUCB
and downstream intergenic spacer region was used for microbial detection. The frequency of species and statistical associations between species and signs/symptoms of endodontic origin as well as their simultaneous detection in both milieus were investigated. The most frequently detected species were T. socranskii (RC, 17/20; AAA, 15/20), T. denticola (RC, 8/20; AAA, 11/20); T. medium (RC, 6/20; AAA, 9/20
model for end-stage liver disease, and Child-Pugh score were similar in both groups. Child-Pugh score improved in the first 90 days in the cell therapy group compared with controls (P = 0.017, BMC group RC = -8%, controls RC = +5%). The model for end-stage liver disease score remained stable in the treated patients (RC -2 to +6%), whereas it increased during follow-up in the control group (RC +6
fewer catheter-tip movements using advanced catheter technology after training (Week 5: CC 74 IQR(59-89) versus MSC 62(44-81); p = 0.028, and RC 33 (28-44); p = 0.012). RCs virtually eliminated wall hits at the arch (CC 29(28-76) versus RC8(6-9); p = 0.005) and produced significantly higher overall performance scores (p < 0.02). Advanced endovascular catheters, although more intricate, do not seem
patients. Over a 10-month period, all patients with trauma admitted to our University Medical Center were analyzed. Both Hb (reference values: males, 14.0-17.1 g/dL; females, 12.1-15.9 g/dL) and RC (8-26 promille) were determined with a Sysmex XE-2100 analyzer. RBC transfusions were administered in otherwise healthy patients below an Hb threshold of 6.9 g/dL. Hb and RC were analyzed for a maximum of 30
Coombs' test-positive neonates and compared with the ETCOc values of 50 Coombs' test-negative neonates. Fifty percent of Coombs' test-positive infants had RCs <5% (within a normal range for a healthy newborn) and ETCOc = 1.8 +/- 0.34 parts per million (ppm) and likely did not exhibit hemolysis. Among infants with elevated RCs, 72% had RCs between 5% and 8% and ETCOc = 2.77 +/- 0.68 ppm, and 28% had RCs >8% and ETCOc = 4.52 +/- 0.83 ppm. There was an almost linear correlation (r = 0.86) between the RC and the ETCOc among Coombs' test-positive infants. The 50 Coombs' test-negative infants had ETCOc = 1.6 +/- 0.45 ppm. Serial ETCOc measurements were performed in 14 Coombs' test-positive infants: in all but 1 infant ETCOc values declined over time. There is a good correlation between ETCOc and RC
who developed abnormalities during the course of their disease. The incidence of defective function in the five disease categories in this series was: refractory cytopenia (RC) 8/17; refractory cytopenia with sideroblastic change (RC + SC) 5/8; acquired idiopathic sideroblastic anaemia (AISA) 2/4; refractory anaemia with excess blasts (RAEB) 7/11; chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) 1/4. Eleven