"Retinal vasculitis"

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                            Retinal vasculitis severity assessment: intra- and inter-observer reliability of a new scheme for grading wide-field fluorescein angiograms in retinal vasculitis. Wide-field fluorescein angiography (WFFA) is commonly used to assess retinal vasculitis (RV), which manifests as vascular leakage and occlusion. Currently, there is no standard grading scheme for RV severity. We propose a novel RV
                            2025JAMA ophthalmology
                            Retinal Vasculitis Associated With Castleman Disease. This case report describes a diagnosis of retinal vasculitis associated with Castleman disease in a man who presented with 6 months of progressive floaters bilaterally and no change in visual acuity.
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                            2025JAMA ophthalmology
                            Inflammation and Occlusive Retinal Vasculitis Post Faricimab. Randomized clinical trials have shown the safety and efficacy of faricimab as a novel vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin-2 inhibitor in the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) and macular edema of various etiologies. However, more rare adverse events may not be considered in clinical trials. To describe 3 eyes that developed irreversible vision loss following initial mild intraocular inflammation (IOI) to faricimab. This retrospective case series from a single academic tertiary referral center (University of Nebraska Medical Center) from October 2023 to August 2024 included 3 patients who developed occlusive retinal vasculitis (ORV) following an initial sensitization
                            ISOLATED RETINAL VASCULITIS: Prognostic Factors and Expanding the Role of Immunosuppressive Treatment in Retinal Vasculitis Associated With Positive QuantiFERON-TB Gold Test. To identify prognostic factors for poor visual outcomes in patients with isolated retinal vasculitis and to elucidate the outcome of immunosuppressive treatment without the use of antituberculosis drugs for patients with retinal vasculitis associated with a positive QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT) test. A retrospective chart review was performed of patients presenting with retinal vasculitis. After the diagnosis of active retinal vasculitis had been confirmed by fluorescein angiography and other possible causes of retinal vasculitis had been excluded, patients were categorized into two groups by their QFT result
                            2024JAMA ophthalmology
                            Association of Occlusive Retinal Vasculitis With Intravitreal Faricimab. This case report describes a patient with attenuation of retinal arterioles and veins associated with 2 blot hemorrhages and pallor of the inferotemporal retina without emboli.
                            Visual outcomes and prognostic factors in ischaemic retinal vasculitis. Our aim was to describe the visual outcomes and determine the clinical factors in ischaemic retinal vasculitis (IRV) that were predictive of a poor visual prognosis or infectious aetiology. Retrospective cohort study of consecutive presentations of IRV to Auckland District Health Board from 2009 to 2022. The median age
                            Defining Retinal Vasculitis. To assess the validity of retinal vasculitis as the preferred diagnostic term for multiple conditions. Perspective METHODS: Expert opinion and review of literature focused on the current nosology and pathology of retinal vasculitis. Interpretation of the subset of intraocular inflammation named retinal vasculitis based on fundamental knowledge of the blood-retinal barrier, the neurovascular unit and pathological and functional responses to a variety of stimuli. Correlation with multimodal imaging and known mechanisms of immunologically mediated disease. A search of Medline in early 2024 for the phrase "retinal vasculitis" resulted in 2041 citations encompassing immunologic, genetic, neoplastic, infectious, drug- and ischemia-related disorders. Classification
                            Macular Volume Scan as a Marker of Angiographic Uveitic Retinal Vasculitis: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study. To determine whether optical coherence tomography (OCT) thickness values from macular volume scans can be used to detect uveitic retinal vasculitis. Retrospective study of patients with noninfectious retinal vasculitis. Fluorescein angiogram (FA) and 61-line OCT macular volume scans with an overlying Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy study (ETDRS) grid were obtained. Correlation between 1mm and 6mm ETDRS ring values and posterior pole vasculitis was analyzed. A linear longitudinal model was used to assess the relationship between global retinal vasculitis scores and OCT macular thickness parameters. Ninety-nine eyes of 54 patients were included. A total of 460 OCT and fluorescein
                            2023JAMA ophthalmology
                            "Retinal Vasculitis" With Bilateral Retinal Detachments. A 68-year-old man with a history of B-cell lymphoma and active renal cell carcinoma, receiving cabozantinib therapy, presents with worsening hazy vision in the right eye after retinal detachment repair of the left eye. What would you do next?
                            2023BMC Ophthalmology
                            Toxic posterior segment syndrome with retinal vasculitis likely caused by intraocular cotton fiber after vitreoretinal surgery - a case report. Intraocular inflammation is common after anterior or posterior segment surgery. They typically manifest either as non-infectious inflammation of the anterior or posterior segment, known as toxic anterior or posterior segment syndrome (TPSS ), or as sterile or infective endophthalmitis. In this report, we describe a rare case of TPSS following vitreoretinal surgery, presenting as hemorrhagic retinal vasculitis. A 58-year-old male diagnosed with a left eye acute rhegmatogenous retinal detachment underwent an uneventful primary pars plana vitrectomy with silicone oil endotamponade on the same day of presentation. At presentation, there were no signs
                            2022BMC Ophthalmology
                            Cooperation with rheumatologists on intensive systemic treatment for psoriatic arthritis-related panuveitis with retinal vasculitis: a case report. Patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) may develop uveitis, a potentially serious ocular complication. PsA-related uveitis may result in significant morbidity and even vision loss if underdiagnosed or under-treated. We presented a case with long -standing recurrent uveitis and retinal vasculitis successfully managed by fortified systemic immunomodulators for systemic PsA. A 47-year-old woman was referred under the impression of acute anterior uveitis in her right eye in recent one month. Ocular examinations showed panuveitis in both eyes with intense vitreous opacity in her right eye. Fundus fluorescence angiography revealed retinal vasculitis
                            2022JAMA ophthalmology
                            Hemorrhagic Occlusive Retinal Vasculitis Associated With Triamcinolone-Moxifloxacin Use During Uncomplicated Cataract Surgery. This case series describes the outcomes of cataract extraction with intraocular lens placement in 2 patients.
                            Occlusive retinal vasculitis: novel insights into causes, pathogenesis and treatment. Occlusive retinal vasculitis (ORV) has a large differential diagnosis and varied therapeutic approaches. This review highlights existing and novel causes and treatment options for ORV. Mutations in CAPN5, TREX1, and TNFAIP3 have been associated with dominantly inherited forms of ORV. Various intraocular
                            Electroretinographic findings in retinal vasculitis. To describe and correlate electroretinographic responses with clinical and angiographic findings in retinal vasculitis (RV). Medical records of patients with diagnosis of RV at a tertiary eye centre from December 2017 to May 2021 were reviewed. Cases in which fluorescein angiography (FFA) and full field electroretinography (ffERG) were done
                            Risk of Inflammation, Retinal Vasculitis, and Retinal Occlusion-Related Events with Brolucizumab: Post Hoc Review of HAWK and HARRIER. An independent Safety Review Committee (SRC), supported by Novartis Pharma AG, analyzed investigator-reported cases of intraocular inflammation (IOI), endophthalmitis, and retinal arterial occlusion in the phase 3 HAWK and HARRIER trials of brolucizumab versus this patient subset: incidence of IOI, signs and incidence of retinal vasculitis and/or retinal vascular occlusion, and visual acuity loss; time since first brolucizumab injection to IOI event onset; and frequency of visual acuity loss after brolucizumab injection by time of first IOI event onset. Fifty brolucizumab-treated eyes were considered to have definite/probable drug-related events within
                            RETINAL VASCULITIS, A COMMON MANIFESTATION OF IDIOPATHIC PEDIATRIC UVEITIS? Pediatric idiopathic uveitis typically shows anterior segment involvement. Whether retinal vasculitis is an important manifestation of this disease remains unknown and was therefore the subject of this study. This study was performed involving patients with pediatric idiopathic uveitis. Fundus fluorescein angiography was used to assess the presence of retinal vasculitis. A total of 1,867 patients with pediatric uveitis were seen between December 2008 and January 2018, of whom 1,364 had undergone fundus fluorescein angiography examination. Idiopathic uveitis was the most common entity, accounting for 81.2%. Among these patients with idiopathic uveitis, 79.6% had retinal vasculitis in at least one eye. After 1-year
                            CLINICAL PREDICTORS OF TUBERCULAR RETINAL VASCULITIS IN A HIGH-ENDEMIC COUNTRY. To determine clinical signs suggestive of tubercular etiology in retinal vasculitis. A retrospective comparative study of patients who presented with retinal vasculitis at three tertiary care centers in India. All patients underwent detailed clinical evaluation and tailored laboratory investigations for etiological was performed at 5% confidence levels. Of the 114 patients diagnosed with retinal vasculitis, Group A had 69 patients (100 eyes) and Group B had 45 patients (75 eyes). Active or healed subvascular lesions (P ≤ 0.0001), focal vascular tortuosity (P ≤ 0.0001), and occlusive vasculitis (P = 0.002) were significantly more common in Group A patients than in Group B patients. All three were independent predictors
                            Clinical outcome of retinal vasculitis and predictors for prognosis of ischemic retinal vasculitis. To determine factors affecting the visual outcome in eyes with retinal vasculitis and the rate of neovascularization relapse in ischemic vasculitis. Retrospective cohort study. We reviewed 1169 uveitis patients from Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK. Retinal vasculitis was observed in 236 eyes (121 ischemic, 115 nonischemic) that were compared with a control group (1022 eyes) with no retinal vasculitis. Ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography images were obtained in 63 eyes with ischemic vasculitis to quantify area of nonperfusion measured as ischemic index. The risk of vision loss was significantly more in the retinal vasculitis compared with the non-vasculitis group (hazard ratio [HR
                            THE COLLABORATIVE OCULAR TUBERCULOSIS STUDY (COTS)-1: A Multinational Review of 251 Patients With Tubercular Retinal Vasculitis. Tubercular retinal vasculitis (TRV) is a heterogeneous disease that can be difficult to manage because of nonspecific presentation and limitations of confirmatory tests for tuberculosis. This is a big data analysis on phenotypes and treatment outcomes for TRV
                            Vancomycin-associated hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis: a clinical-pathophysiological analysis. To derive novel insights into the pathophysiology of vancomycin-related hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculopathy (HORV) through a careful clinicopathologic correlation. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and pathologic course of 2 consecutive patients who developed HORV. The clinical retinal vasculitis, the histologic findings herein indicate that the pathophysiology is more complex. It is grounded in a necrotizing retinal vasculopathy in the absence of retinal vasculitis, chronic nongranulomatous choroiditis, and an unusual glomeruloid proliferation of endothelial cells in the choroid and elsewhere in the eye.