Crystal structures of [Mn(bdc)(Hspar)2(H2O)0.25]·2H2O containing MnO6+1 capped trigonal prisms and [Cu(Hspar)2](bdc)·2H2O containing CuO4 squares (Hspar = sparfloxacin and bdc = benzene-1,4-diÂcarboxylÂate) The syntheses and crystal structures of 0.25-aqua-(benzene-1,4-di-carboxyl-ato-κ(2) O,O')bis-(sparfloxacin-κ(2) O,O')manganese(II) dihydrate, [Mn(C8H4O4)(C19H22F2N4O3)2(H2O)0.25]·2H2O or [Mn(bdc)(Hspar)2(H2O)0.25]·2H2O, (I), and bis-(sparfloxacin-κ(2) O,O')copper(II) benzene-1,4-di-carboxyl-ate dihydrate, [Cu(C19H22F2N4O3)2](C8H4O4)·2H2O or [Cu(Hspar)2](bdc)·2H2O, (II), are reported (Hspar = sparfloxacin and bdc = benzene-1,4-di-carboxyl-ate). The Mn(2+) ion in (I) is coordinated by two O,O'-bidentate Hspar neutral mol-ecules (which exist as zwitterions) and an O,O'-bidentate bdc