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                            Causal Association between Development of Functional or Conversion Disorder post-mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination Online services outage (Dec. 1-4)Due to maintenance on our systems, the following online applications will be unavailable between Thursday, December 1, 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 4, 11:00 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.Request and Manage ReviewWorker View/Update ProfileCOVID -19Health & SafetyInsuranceClaimsI Am a...MoreCausal Association between Development of Functional or Conversion Disorder post-mRNA COVID-19 VaccinationTo determine whether there is any evidence to support a causal association between the development of functional or conversion disorder post-mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.Download PDFPublication Date: Nov 2021File type: PDF (226 KB)Asset type: GuideShare via
                            2023Journal of Family Practice
                            Conversion disorder: An integrated care approach. Knowing how the diagnosis is made and the condition is managed effectively can help FPs fulfill their role in the multifaceted care of these patients.
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                            Subjective experiences of dissociative and conversion disorders among adolescents in India. Dissociative/conversion disorders affect almost 31% of children and adolescents in a clinical setting. These children experience significant impairments in their academics, and daily functioning, with high chances of developing other psychiatric comorbidities such as anxiety and depression. However , there are no studies that explore the experiences of suffering from dissociative/conversion disorders from perspective of the sufferer. Therefore, the paper has aimed at exploring the subjective experiences of dissociative and conversion disorders among adolescents in the Indian context by examining their understanding about the illness and the reason they ascribe to the cause of their illness. The study used
                            2020Medscape Pediatrics
                            Pediatric Conversion Disorder Pediatric Conversion Disorder: Overview, Background and Nomenclature, Diagnostic Criteria For YouNews & PerspectiveDrugs & DiseasesCME & EducationAcademyVideoDecision PointEdition:EnglishMedscapeEnglishDeutschEspañolFrançaisPortuguêsUKNewUnivadisLog In Sign Up It's Free!English EditionMedscape * English * Deutsch * Español * Français * Português =aHR0cHM6Ly9lbWVkaWNpbmUubWVkc2NhcGUuY29tL2FydGljbGUvOTE3ODY0LW92ZXJ2aWV3processing....Drugs & Diseases > Pediatrics: Developmental and Behavioral Articles Pediatric Conversion DisorderUpdated: Dec 11, 2018 * Author: Neelkamal S Soares, MD; Chief Editor: Caroly Pataki, MD more... * * Share * Email * Print * FeedbackClose * Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * WhatsAppSections Pediatric Conversion Disorder * * Sections Pediatric Conversion Disorder * * * Overview
                            2019Journal of Emergency Medicine
                            Conversion Disorder Manifesting as Functional Visual Loss. Children with conversion disorder experience neurological symptoms without a definable organic cause. Clinical presentation of conversion disorders is uncommon in the emergency department (ED). An 11-year-old previously healthy girl presented to the ED for management of lobar pneumonia. She developed acute visual loss subsequent to accidental placement of an intra-arterial cannula in her arm. Clinical assessments by the emergency physician, neurology, ophthalmology, and psychiatry services, and negative neuroimaging studies established the diagnosis of functional visual loss as a manifestation of conversion disorder. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Conversion disorder symptoms are often without any specific
                            Upper extremity conversion disorder in children. Conversion disorder in children presents a challenge to orthopedic surgeons. The condition is frequently associated with unnecessary diagnostic tests, treatments, and cost. The purpose of this study was to report a series of children with upper extremity conversion disorder to raise awareness for this uncommon condition and to assist with its diagnosis and management. A retrospective review was conducted of 4 pediatric patients with upper extremity conversion disorder at a tertiary pediatric hospital from 2015 to 2017. Medical records were reviewed for patient demographics, including psychiatric history, clinical findings, diagnostic studies, treatment, and cost of care. Patients presented with upper extremity muscle stiffness, unremitting
                            What relationship do stressful life events, neglect and abuse have with functional neurological disorder (conversion disorder)? Functional neurological disorder (conversion disorder)Menu * * Take your event #BeyondTheRoom * Training * #ElfHelp * Contact us * NewsSearch National Elf Service No bias. No misinformation. No spin. Just what you need! The Mental Elf * Home * About * Categories * Cost Search National Elf Service Home » Posts » Diagnosis » risk factors » What relationship do stressful life events, neglect and abuse have with functional neurological disorder (conversion disorder)?What relationship do stressful life events, neglect and abuse have with functional neurological disorder (conversion disorder)?6 Responses »Mar 9 2018Posted byMark EdwardsFunctional neurological disorder
                            When symptoms don’t fit: a case series of conversion disorder in the pediatric otolaryngology practice Conversion disorder refers to functional bodily impairments that can be precipitated by high stress situations including trauma and surgery. Symptoms of conversion disorder may mimic or complicate otolaryngology diseases in the pediatric population. In this report, the authors describe 3 cases of conversion disorder that presented to a pediatric otolaryngology-head and neck surgery practice. This report highlights a unique population of patients who have not previously been investigated. The clinical presentation and management of these cases are discussed in detail. Non-organic otolaryngology symptoms of conversion disorder in the pediatric population are reviewed. In addition, we
                            2018Case reports in psychiatry
                            Huntington's Disease in a Patient Misdiagnosed as Conversion Disorder Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited, progressive, and neurodegenerative neuropsychiatric disorder caused by the expansion of cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG) trinucleotide in Interested Transcript (IT) 15 gene on chromosome 4. This pathology typically presents in individuals aged between 30 and 50 years and the age of onset
                            2018Case reports in psychiatry
                            Prosopagnosia as a Type of Conversion Disorder Conversion disorder is a common and debilitating condition that remains poorly understood. We present a previously undescribed form of conversion disorder to highlight the complexity of the condition and consider the interplay of factors that produce conversion symptoms. A 50-year-old male presented with acquired prosopagnosia and language
                            2018Emergency (Tehran, Iran)
                            Intravenous Haloperidol versus Midazolam in Management of Conversion Disorder; a Randomized Clinical Trial. Conversion disorder is a condition in which the patient shows psychological stress in physical ways. This study aimed to compare the effects of haloperidol versus midazolam in patients with conversion disorder. This double-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted on patients with conversion disorder who had presented to the emergency department, throughout 2015. Patients were randomly divided into two groups and were either treated with 2.5 mg of intravenous (IV) haloperidol or 2.5 mg of IV midazolam. Recovery rate, time to recovery, and side effects of both drugs 1 hour, 24 hours, and 1 week after treatment were compared using SPSS19. 140 patients were divided into two groups
                            2018Emergency (Tehran, Iran)
                            Quetiapine versus Haloperidol in Controlling Conversion Disorder Symptoms; a Randomized Clinical Trial. About 5% of visits to emergency departments are made up of conversion disorder cases. This study was designed with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of quetiapine and haloperidol in controlling conversion disorder symptoms. The present single-blind clinical trial has been performed on patients with conversion disorder (based on the DSM-IV definition) presenting to emergency department of 9-Day Hospital, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran, from January 2017 until May 2018. 73 patients were allocated to haloperidol and 71 to quetiapine group. Mean age of these patients was 32.03 ± 12.80 years (62.50% female). Two groups were similar regarding the baseline characteristics. Within 30 minutes, 90.41
                            2013Evidence-Based Mental Health
                            Non-transient childhood conversion disorder is uncommon in the UK and Ireland, but use of services is high
                            2017Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
                            Are psychogenic non-epileptic seizures just another symptom of conversion disorder? Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are classified with other functional neurological symptoms as 'Conversion Disorder', but there are reasons to wonder whether this symptomatology constitutes a distinct entity. We reviewed the literature comparing PNES with other functional neurological symptoms. We find
                            La belle indifférence revisited: a case report on progressive supranuclear palsy misdiagnosed as conversion disorder Since the advent of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scans, neurological disorders have less often been falsely labeled as conversion disorder (CD). However, misdiagnosis of a neurological disorder as CD still occurs, especially in cases with insidious onset
                            2017Case reports in psychiatry
                            A Case of Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Presenting as Conversion Disorder . Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare disorder of the central nervous system. Its initial diagnosis may be obscured by its variable presentation. This case report illustrates the complexity of diagnosing this disease early in the clinical course, especially when the initial symptoms may be psychiatric. It offers a brief review of the literature and reinforces a role for consultation psychiatry services. . PUBMED/MEDLINE was searched using the terms "Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease", "psychiatric symptoms", "conversion disorder", "somatic symptom disorder", "functional movement disorder", and "functional neurologic disorder". . The patient was a 64-year-old woman with no prior psychiatric history who was initially
                            2017NeuroImage : Clinical
                            Symptom-specific amygdala hyperactivity modulates motor control network in conversion disorder Initial historical accounts as well as recent data suggest that emotion processing is dysfunctional in conversion disorder patients and that this alteration may be the pathomechanistic neurocognitive basis for symptoms in conversion disorder. However, to date evidence of direct interaction of altered negative emotion processing with motor control networks in conversion disorder is still lacking. To specifically study the neural correlates of emotion processing interacting with motor networks we used a task combining emotional and sensorimotor stimuli both separately as well as simultaneously during functional magnetic resonance imaging in a well characterized group of 13 conversion disorder patients
                            2017Archives of Neuropsychiatry
                            Conversion Disorder Comorbidity and Childhood Trauma The aim of this study is to examine the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, the presence of comorbidity, and the link with childhood traumatic experiences in patients with conversion disorder (CD) in a psychiatric outpatient clinic. A total of 60 literate, female patients between 18 and 65 years of age who were referred to the general psychiatry outpatient clinic and who were diagnosed with conversion disorder according to the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria were included in the study. A questionnaire on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS), the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ
                            Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Adjunctive Physical Activity for Functional Movement Disorders (Conversion Disorder): A Pilot, Single-Blinded, Randomized Study.
                            Postoperative Conversion Disorder Presenting as Inspiratory Stridor and Hemiparesis in a Pediatric Patient BACKGROUND Postoperative conversion disorder is rare and has been reported. The diagnosis is usually made after all major organic causes have been ruled out. CASE REPORT We describe a case of a 13-year-old female who presented in the post-anesthesia care unit with acute-onset inspiratory hemiplegia and sensory loss, she was evaluated for stroke with head MRI and CT scans, which were normal. CONCLUSIONS After extensive workup and consideration of multiple etiologies for her presenting signs and symptoms, the most likely diagnosis was conversion disorder.