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Vitamin K2 in Managing Nocturnal LegCramps: A Randomized Clinical Trial Currently, there are no treatments for nocturnal legcramps (NLCs) that have been proven to be both safe and effective. Seeking safe and effective approaches for managing NLCs is of crucial importance. To determine whether vitamin K2 is better than placebo in managing NLCs. This multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Effect of vitamin K2 in the treatment of nocturnal legcramps in the older population: Study protocol of a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Nocturnal legcramps (NLCs) are sudden contractions of the leg muscles, usually in the posterior calf muscles at night, affecting sleep quality. Because the precise pathophysiology of NCLs is unclear, different interventions have been proposed and duration of NLCs in the vitamin K2 and placebo arms. Two hundred patients will be needed, for this two-treatment parallel design study, to achieve a probability is 90% that the study will detect a treatment difference at a two-sided 0.04 significance level, if the difference between treatments is 3.6 (difference in means between treatment arms) NLC events. Nocturnal LegCramps (NLCs) are a common
Health-related quality of life associated with nocturnal legcramps in primary care: a mixed methods study. Although nocturnal legcramps are common, little research is available about their impact on quality of life. This mixed-methods study explored the impact of nocturnal legcramps on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The study included primary care patients (>50 years) who reported suffering from nocturnal legcramps (2016-2017). In the quantitative phase, patients completed a questionnaire about their HRQoL (SF-36) and the frequency of their cramps, and we computed the SF-36 scores. Then, we conducted a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with patients with various levels of HRQol to explore their perception of the impact of cramps on their lives. A total of 114
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Reduces LegCramps in Patients With Lumbar Degenerative Disorders: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) and lumbar disc herniation (LDH) are often accompanied by frequently occurring legcramps severely affecting patients' life and sleep quality. Recent evidence suggests that neuromuscular electric stimulation (NMES) of cramp %, 55%, or 25% of their maximum tolerated stimulation intensity, whereas one group only received pseudo-stimulation. The number of reported legcramps decreased in the 25% (25 ± 14 to 7 ± 4; p = 0.002), 55% (24 ± 10 to 10 ± 11; p = 0.014) and 85%NMES (23 ± 17 to 1 ± 1; p < 0.001) group, whereas it remained unchanged after pseudo-stimulation (20 ± 32 to 19 ± 33; p > 0.999). In the 25% and 85%NMES group
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study assessing the efficacy of magnesium oxide monohydrate in the treatment of nocturnal legcramps. Magnesium supplements are widely used for prophylaxis and treatment of nocturnal legcramps (NLC). However, there is little evidence in support of their effectiveness. The main impediment stems from the lack of assessments of cellular
A Middle-Aged Woman With Hematochezia, Hypotension, and LegCramps. A 57-year-old woman with a history of mantle cell lymphoma presented to the ED with complaints of vomiting, bleeding per rectum, and legcramps, that started 6 h prior to her arrival. She had received chemotherapy a week prior. Her legcramps were not associated with pain or swelling of the legs; she also denied any trauma
Oral magnesium supplementation for legcramps in pregnancy-An observational controlled trial. Oral magnesium for legcramps treatment in pregnancy is a controversial issue according to recent Cochrane systematic review. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Mg++ supplementation in legcramps treatment in pregnancy. This observational clinical trial studied 132 pregnant women with legcramps in the first trimester of pregnancy. At baseline, 74 (56.3%) had two legcramps episodes per week, 28 (21.1%) three episodes, 13 (9.8%) four episodes and 9 (6.8%) five or more episodes. They were randomized 1:1 to 300 mg/day of oral Mg++ citrate (n = 66) or placebo (n = 66). The primary outcome was the frequency of legcramps episodes per week reported by pregnant women. Secondary outcomes were
Pilot testing a stretching regimen for prevention of night time nocturnal legcramps. Nocturnal legcramps (NLC) are painful, involuntary muscle contractions that affect the quality of sleep. The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility and effectiveness of a stretching regimen in frail older adults aged over 75 years with NLC. The experimental group (n = 15) received an intervention
Lactobacillus garvieae endocarditis presenting with legcramps An 85-year-old man with a history of aortic valve replacement presented with lower limb cramps. He was initially diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, but was found to have infective endocarditis with septic embolic strokes causing a central poststroke pain syndrome. Cardiothoracic surgery was deemed too high risk
Effect of Magnesium Oxide Supplementation on Nocturnal LegCramps: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Magnesium supplements are widely marketed for prophylaxis of nocturnal legcramps (NLC) despite no evidence of significant benefit. To determine whether magnesium oxide is better than placebo for NLC prophylaxis. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 2 weeks eligibility
Treatment of nocturnal legcramps by primary care patients over the age of 60. Approximately one out of two individuals over the age of 60 suffers from nocturnal legcramps. These often have an important impact on the person's quality of life. Different drug and non-drug treatments are proposed to treat these cramps, but none to date have been shown to be both safe and effective. The objective
The effect of Vitamin D and calcium plus Vitamin D on legcramps in pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial This study intended to determine the effects of Vitamin D and calcium-Vitamin D in treating legcramps in pregnant women. This study was conducted as a double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial on 126 participants, 18-35-year-old pregnant women with a minimum of two leg to the frequency, length, and pain intensity of legcramps during the week before and during the 3 and 6 week of the intervention. The ANCOVA and repeated measurement test were used to analyze the data. Results showed that controlling for the effects before the intervention, calcium-Vitamin D, and Vitamin D supplements had no effect on the frequency, length, and pain intensity of legcramps. The results
A review of nocturnal legcramps in older people. Nocturnal legcramps are common and troublesome, especially in later life, and have a significant impact on quality of life, particularly sleep quality. This article reviews the current state of knowledge regarding the diagnosis, frequency, pathophysiology and management of cramps. Recent evidence suggests that diuretic and long-acting beta -agonist therapy predispose to legcramps. There is conflicting evidence regarding the efficacy of prophylactic stretching exercises in preventing cramps. Quinine remains the only medication proven to reduce the frequency and intensity of legcramps. However, the degree of benefit from quinine is modest and the risks include rare but serious immune-mediated reactions and, especially in older people, dose
Intradialytic Massage for LegCramps Among Hemodialysis Patients: a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Patients on hemodialysis often experience muscle cramps that result in discomfort, shortened treatment times, and inadequate dialysis dose. Cramps have been associated with adversely affecting sleep and health-related quality of life, depression and anxiety. There is limited evidence available cramping. 26 maintenance hemodialysis patients with frequent lower extremity cramps. three outpatient hemodialysis centers in Northeast Ohio. randomized controlled trial. The intervention group received a 20-minute massage of the lower extremities during each treatment (three times per week) for two weeks. The control group received usual care by dialysis center staff. change in frequency of lower leg
A 6-Year-Old With LegCramps. A 6-year-old girl presented with a history of leg pain and cramping that progressively worsened over a 2- to 3-week period of time. Her examination was notable for normal vital signs, limited range of motion of her left hip, and a limp. Inflammatory markers were slightly elevated, but the serum electrolytes, calcium, and magnesium, complete blood cell count
Effectiveness and Safety of Shaoyao Gancao Decoction With Addition on the Sleep-related LegCramps A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial using a Chinese Medicine formula in treating Sleep-related LegCramps. Subjects will be randomized into a treatment group or placebo group for 4 weeks, and then post-treatment visit at week 6 and week 8. The sleep-related legcramps (SRLC), also called nocturnal legcramps (NLC), is a sleep-related limb movement disorder in which painful contractions of the calf or foot muscles occur during sleep, thereby interrupting the patient's rest. It can happen at any ages, but is particularly prevalent among the elderly.In Chinese medicine, legcramps, first mentioned in the book of "Huangdi Neijing" (The Yellow Emperor's Cannon
Nocturnal LegCramp Nocturnal LegCramp * Versions * Standard Desktop * Legacy Desktop * Mobile Web * Iphone/Ipad App * * Help Toggle navigation * * Home * Books: A to N * Cardiovascular Medicine * Dentistry * Dermatology * Emergency Medicine * Endocrinology * Gastroenterology * Geriatric Medicine to Palliative Care * * Administration * Patient Satisfaction * Documentation 4 * * advertisement * Home * Orthopedics Book * Symptoms Chapter * Nocturnal LegCramp Nocturnal LegCramp Aka: Nocturnal LegCramp, Nocturnal Leg Muscle Cramp, Night LegCramp, Night Cramp, LegCramp, Charley Horse Orthopedics Symptoms Chapter * Bursa
Medication Causes of LegCramps Medication Causes of LegCramps * Versions * Standard Desktop * Legacy Desktop * Mobile Web * Iphone/Ipad App * * Help Toggle navigation * * Home * Books: A to N * Cardiovascular Medicine * Dentistry * Dermatology * Emergency Medicine * Endocrinology * Gastroenterology * Geriatric to Palliative Care * * Administration * Patient Satisfaction * Documentation 4 * * advertisement * Home * Orthopedics Book * Pharmacology Chapter * Medication Causes of LegCramps Medication Causes of LegCramps Aka: Medication Causes of LegCramps, LegCramps due to Medications Orthopedics Pharmacology Chapter * Leg * Medication